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As they duck a huge sword flys over them and land on a tree after which a guy appears on it.
He has bandages covering his mouth he had no shirt and he just stares at the group.

"Well if it isn't the famous copy ninja kakashi"Zabuza said as he dropped down picking up his sword.

"Zabuza" Kakashi said as he stared at the new opponent.

The rest of the team could feel the difference between the demon brother and the new found enemy just his presence was making them uncomfortable.

Zabuza just smiled as he started to let out killing intent so strong Sakura shakes feeling herself grab the Kunai and start to place it on her neck but was stop as she felt a hand grab it.

She look next to her to see Naruto who held the blade bleeding looking back at her.

"I won't let anything happen to you" Naruto said as his blue eyes told Sakura everything was going to be alright.

Kakashi not saying a word ran towards Zabuza and dragged him to the water until Zabuza hit him off.

"Trying to get me away from those genins won't work here I'll leave them a present"Zabuza said as he made a clone then proceeded to fight Kakashi.

Yuki watched as the clone was running after them while doing hand signs. Once the clone was done he lifted his hand and a mist seemed to cover the battle field, thinking quick Yuki made a sign and covered the Tazuna with a wooden cage that protected him.

So your the legendary Sanin brat Tazuna thought as he looked at what he was in.

" we don't got to worry about Tazuna now" Yuki said

"Good now I can fight for real" Naruto said as he started to run towards Zabuza.

With Yuki not far behind they made their assault Naruto made a shadow clone and proceeded to have a taijutsu with Zabuza who block all his attacks and grab the clone after which he popped and was about to swing on Naruto and was meet by kick from Yuki who aim for his head but couldn't get the hit in time so his hit landed on Zabuza chest.

Zabuza looked up to see blood red eyes as he tried to swing his sword at the kid only for Yuki to use the sword to flip over him and Use Mokuton to make a wooden sharp branch to try to stab him with but only for Zabuzato catch it and hit him away.

Sakura throw a few Kunais and watched how Zabuza reacted after seeing him deflect them with his sword she decided to help out in the fight. Running past Yuki who was getting himself up she joined in Naruto Tatjutsu fight.

Zabuza smiled as he kicked Naruto up and grabbed him and throw him as he spins and grab Sakura and held a hand sign and place her in a water bubble.

Yuki eyes went to shock as he saw what happened.

"Mokuton and those eyes you must be that brat everyone been talking about"Zabuza said

Yuki couldn't respond as he watch Sakura struggled to keep breathing.

I can't use jutsu or else I'll hit her to I- Yuki was cut off by 20 Naruto clone jumping into the fight against Zabuza but even with one hand on the water bubble Naruto clone stood no chance. But Naruto wasn't aiming for to win the fight after seeing a good opening he jumped into the bubble and held Sakura as he kissed her to blow air into her giving her oxygen.

Yuki thinking quick started to flash through hand signs and felt a pain a pain in his eyes as he did it but ignored it and finished causing for a wooden twin dragons to go flying towards Zabuza. As it it connected to the clone Yuki felt weird as he felt energy was around him in the air he could feel it flowing around him.

He could feel the wooden Dragons he made pull Chakra from the Zabuza clone making him puff and Naruto and Sakura drop from it coughing.

Yuki pain came back greater making Yuki crouch down in pain as he wonder what did he just do and what was he feeling. He still felt it. It didn't really feel like it was Charka it felt more natural energy then chakra and it seemed to be endless around him.

As the pain died down Yuki pulled himself up and looked onto the water as a someone was talking to Kakashi before picking up Zabuza and flashing away.

"Ar- are yo- you okay?" Naruto asked as he coughed out water

"Yeah" Sakura said as he face heated up as she remembered Naruto lips with hers

She was about to yell at him till she realized he did that to save her risking his life. Making her remember when he held the Kunai from cutting her.

Sakura felt heat rise to her face as she couldn't bring herself to say anything but take small glance at Naruto.

What wrong with me Sakura thought.

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