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Naruto hopped over a tree log on the ground and continue running with a huge scroll in his arms.

I can't wait to get my leaf head band, it wasn't even that hard to sneak in and grab this Naruto thought as he had a huge grin on his face.

After a couple of minutes he stopped and sits by a tree and opens the scroll reading it as he got curious on what's inside.

" Naruto?"

Naruto look up to see Iruka standing infront of him.

"Hey sensei I got"

"Your the one who rob the scroll" Iruka mouth dropped

"Rob? I got the scroll that means that I pass right?" Naruto said in questioning tone

"What you mean pass" Iruka Replied

" Yes... Naruto you will pass once you hand over the scroll to me" a voice called out

Iruka and Naruto turned to the new figure that was walking up to them.

"Mizuki?" Iruka said

"Iruka I wasn't expecting anyone to get here at this time but you always couldn't just mind your business" Mizuki said as a evil smile reaches his face

"What's the meaning of this?" Iruka yelled

"The leaf has fallen from what it used to be and if I give that scroll to Master Orochimaru he'll grant me great power." Mizuki said licking his lips

"Mizuki I can't let you do that" Iruka said getting into a fighting stance.

Naruto watched as his two teachers were about to fight he didn't know what was going on but he knew it was a mistake taking the scroll.

Mizuki got out a shuriken as big as him and throw it at Iruka.

Iruka was getting ready to defend against it till he saw it change direction and go for Naruto who was clueless on what's coming. Jumping last minute he took the hit of shuriken on his back as he stood over Naruto.

"Sen-Sensei why?" Naruto cried out

"Because Naruto I see myself in you, I had also lost my parents an-" Iruka coughed out blood as he talked

"I know how it feels to be alone and to see you still push forward give me hope th-" Iruka dropped down as he fell unconsciousness landing on Naruto lap.

Naruto looked at his teacher as tears started to flow down his face.

Mizuki started to laugh as look at the sight infront of him.

"I always knew you was to weak minded Iruka you care to much for the students."

Naruto hearing this felt in rage as he got up and stood in front of Iruka unconscious body shielding him.

"You really think you can beat me? You couldn't even pass the exams" Mizuki laughed

Naruto just wiped his tears and ran forward toward Mizuki.

Cutting the distance Naruto went for a kick that was dodge by Mizuki and he returned it by a punch to his face grabbing his Naruto hair in the process and throwing him a few feet away. Naruto on impact got back up and ran again as he now waited for Mizuki to make first move which Mizuki did going for a strike to his neck but Naruto bit his hand causing Mizuki to bring back his hand, giving Naruto a opening to punch his gut. After which Mizuki jumped back clutching his stomach.

"Not bad kid" Mizuki said

Iruka eyes opened as a pain shocked his body it took a second as all the memories of what just happened came back to him as he lift his head up looking at Naruto and Mizuki fight. He tried his best to get his body to move but the pain was making his body not listen so all he could do was watch.

Mizuki Took out other shuriken throw it at Naruto who ran behind a tree but Iruka took notice of the black wire that Mizuki had on it.

"Naruto watched out he move it to were he wants it to go" Iruka called out

Naruto just in time jumped away from the tree as the shuriken wiped around the tree cutting it.

Shit, he's up I got to get him before anything else. Mizuki thought as he wiped his shuriken around and throw it at Iruka.

"No!" Naruto yelled

Iruka closed his eyes as he watch the blade getting closer to him. But then he heard something clash with blade sending it away.

Yuki ran to Mizuki with his hood of his coat on  all you could see what his red eyes and hair surrounded it. Yuki had the surprise on the teacher so he got punch off before being kicked back.

"Yuki!" Naruto happily yelled as he got next to him

"I know something was off in the exams, just glad I could make it in time" Yuki whispered as he eyed down Mizuki

Naruto smiled as he and Yuki both nodded and ran up to Mizuki who had no idea what was coming.

Naruto was the first one to strike jumping up going for a over head punch which Mizuki blocked but Yuki appeared on his other side punching his already his gut. Mizuki pushed Naruto as he now went on Tatjutsu match with Yuki who was holding up but Mizuki had more strength in his punches so Yuki step back and held a hand sign and a wooden pillar shot up hitting Mizuki a few feet away.

"Mokuton, your going to be annoying" Mizuki said as he watched Yuki.

Naruto taking his chance went for a kick which was grabbed and he throw to Yuki. Landing on his face Naruto quickly got up and whispered to Yuki.

" I got a plan if I get him with this you'll have a opening" Naruto said as he held a hand sign

Naruto with plan, this might be stupid but I'll just trust him Yuki thought as he nodded and took a step back.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu" Naruto yelled as 30 of him appeared around Mizuki.

Mizuki pooped his pants as he watched 30 Naruto run at him.

Blocking some he tried to get a hit in but one clone hit him with a over head swing that send him bouncing off the ground and other Naruto hitting him in the air back down only to be meet with other Naruto kicking up back up in the air.

Yuki taking notice held a hand sign and lean back and sucked in a lot of air then he flashed through hand signs and held up his hand and lighting danced on his finger tips as he lean forward and blow out a fire ball but as the fire ball came out lighting seemed to gather in the front of it giving it a blueish color and headed towards Mizuki who got hit by it and was burned and electrocuted falling to the ground.

"What was that!!!" Naruto said in awh as he saw what Yuki did

"I could say the same for you mine was just a fireball I copied after watching Sasuke in the academy but since it not as strong as Sasuke I added lighting to it" Yuki nonchalantly said as he walked over to Iruka

"You got to show me that" Naruto said as he ran over to Iruka

Iruka mouth as been to the floor as he watched what his two two students just did. Pushing his body he got up.

Yuki quckily helped him up as them stood in front of Naruto.

"I'm sorry for stealing the scroll and making you have take that shuriken for me" Naruto started but was stopped as he felt something on his head.

He looked up to see Iruka head band on his head and both Iruka and Yuki smiling towards him.

"Naruto you pass"

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