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Charlotte Pantalon POV

Kyle Hummock was a wannabe mobster. By the age of eighteen, he had picked up a knife, robbed a few residents around town, and by nineteen, he had his first pistol and posed to wear it around his waist like a cowboy—he was no cowboy, and he didn't know how to shoot one. He was a wannabe mobster. He created a figment in his head that he has the entire community shaking in their boots. Unfortunately for me, I dated that wannabe mobster for many years and nearly had a child with him—it was a close call, looking at that pregnancy test. I couldn't bear the notion of bringing my child into this environment smiling up at a twenty-four-year-old who appeared to be living among dogs—and he was. His beard was unkempt because he believed it showed off his criminal side; however, all I saw was him looking like a fifty-year-old father on cocaine.

"Charlie, table two. Three sides of fries, two milkshakes, and one soda pop." Olive exclaimed as he slapped the receipt into the receipt collector. It was a thin, lengthy pole featuring an iron-like platter-like surface on which the receipt paper was affixed.

I slipped the tray off the counter and made my way through the restaurant; the sun was setting and casting a gorgeous orange glow throughout. My face twisted in revulsion as I noticed Kyle crammed into a corner of the booth, his arms folded across the whole of it, and he was slithering a toothpick around with his lips. I glanced away, as if I hadn't noticed him. It was difficult not to see him.

With his disheveled look and his boisterous demeanor, he makes sure that everyone notices him—you really must see Kyle Hummock. I placed the tray on the table. Giving each customer their fries and drink.

Crystal Lake was a little town within a larger city, within a state. The town was overloaded with petrol stations and motels, and believe it or not, there were more passers-by than we could have imagined. The eateries were usually packed with stranger, whether it was a family like the ones I just served or an individual fleeing his issues.

With town being such a beautiful spot, nothing could go one could just walk in one sunset day and announce that they want the owner of the restaurant.

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