Chapter 1

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AN: Hope you guys like my lesbian mafia romance

Chapter 1

Charlotte POV

As the sunset turned the restaurant orange. I went around holding the transparent tip jar as if my life depended on it—which it does. I wasn't being sarcastic; I was saving to get the heck out of town and leave everyone behind, including my lovely parents and two sisters.

I adore my parents and sister, and they love me--I think. But the decisions I made in dating Kyle created a major stumbling block between us, and I don't want to disappoint them.

For many years, they sang in my ears like mosquitos on a not-so-summer evening, and throughout that time, I rolled my eyes and tossed my coral red hair, which has a rosy orange undertone and complements with my moss green eyes, which are a combination of yellow and green with a major quantity of green sparkles.

I, too, was frustrated by my life, just as much as they were. I needed a change, and skipping out of town with a duffel bag slung over my shoulder, a baseball cap over my hair, and a sweatshirt was something I had been fantasizing about for years.

I settle into one of the unoccupied booths, clutching the money and the container securely.

It wasn't the end of the day for me; rather, it was just beginning. I usually worked double shifts since it was preferable than being at home with my nagging parents and pampered sister (I don't live with them anymore, at least not full time). Plus, when I work double shifts, I earn more money, twice the tips, and was 10 steps closer to getting on the bus.

I counted the money, my fingers feeling over the paper, my eyes staring at each digit, my mind calculating as I went.

I worked at Milestone Restaurant for almost five years and, after graduating from high school, decided to pursue a career as a waitress rather than attend college. College was not my thing.

But after I leave here, I'll most likely learn a skill and hope it drains some money into my bank account.

The Milestone Restaurant has truly been a life-changing experience for me. I grinned when the tips totaled well over $500. Every day, the tip rose higher, as did the number of people fleeing this town. Now, there was nothing wrong with the town; it wasn't cursed or full of ghostly activity. It really didn't provide much for me. After all, it was only gas stations and hotel businesses.

"Charlie..." An adorable voice called. That would be none other than Nadine. My closest pal since we were in diapers. My ride or die. "We need you. Table 8!"

"Coming." I muttered as I tucked my tip into my pocket and retrieved the empty container. I stepped up to the counter and placed the tip jar next to the receipt collector. There were three ways to receive a tip, and there were probably more, but I chose not to go with those. But one of the three ways I collected my tip was by putting it at the cash register while I was on cash duty, which seldom happened. Walk around and chat to foolish single men—it was really simple. I was relatively attractive, which I exploited to my advantage. Or I simply go around collecting tips from the table.

The customer here was really generous tipper, and I did my best to be the friendliest.

"It seems like the rush is always on when I want to get home to my kids." Nadine protested as she took a platter containing solely strawberry milkshakes. I offered her a sympathetic touch on the shoulder and realized she had to served Clara and her pals. Clara was my golden-era sister, and nothing could go wrong in my parents' view. She has a small clique made up of four girls. They dressed like queen bees and teased us—particularly Nadine.

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