Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Charlotte POV

As twilight approached, I would march to the window every minute to see the deserted parking lot before gazing out into the town. All of this started at the restaurant. I honestly wasn't sure what to do. I had contacted my mother and basically demanded money from her. There were no other options. When I left home because it was clear I couldn't endure their nagging, it hadn't been the same as I expected. My sister, not I, was there, golden girl. But maybe I was a glue for them, since having to battle with me bonded them close together. Now everything appeared to be too flawless—too perfect equaled uninteresting.

I closed the blinds and left the keys on the coffee table. Bringing them in would need a lot of time, which I did not have. I need to get to the train station and get a short ticket that will take me to another town, and then I can think. I could not think here. Not with what was actually going on.

I put on my hoodie and baseball cap. The cap was larger than my head, so no one could see my face. I crept out the door, taking a quick check up and down to ensure the coast was clear. I slip down the stairs in record time, considering how slowly I used to move down them.

I began to jump for the exit, which was used by both automobiles and pedestrians.

"Are you going somewhere?" Isami inquired huskily.

I took a step back, grasping the strap of the seeming duffel bags, which were packed with things to last me two weeks or less—clothes weren't crucial; leaving town was.

"Yep. Leaving town." I said. There was no need to lie to her. A dark car had stopped just at the entrance. Looking at it, I realized I was surrounded by her guys. I didn't intend to run. But I don't feel well about them steadily approaching me.

Isami's hands slides from the pocket of her black chino shorts.

The brief highlighted the artistry on her two long legs. Her fingers slipped to the rear of the automobile, yanking open the door. "I was headed that way; why don't you come in? I simply need to make one more stop."

"The train is fine." I said, declining her offer. I smiled thinly, and her men moved unmistakably closer to me.

"But you didn't inquire about the stop that I needed to make, little flower?"

I rolled my eyes. "What stop do you need to make."

"Your parents. It was difficult to discover the address, but due to the small town and after asking about, I was able to find it."

My heart rate plummeted. "Leave them out of it." I let out a roar.

"How could I? When I want them to turn you over to me."

I groaned and accepted my fate right there. I knew if I escaped, she wouldn't just converse with them. She appeared like the type of person who would burn down the entire town in order to get what she wanted.

"If we leave this place, you'll never come back, correct?"

"I own a share of the hotel, therefore I need to return and check in." She proceeded to approach me, and I kept my ground. I wasn't afraid of her. I was afraid of what she might do to the people I care about the most—my family.

"It's not like I'm going to kidnapped you, little flower. Unless you have kink for it, My guys and I can work something out." Her fingers held a strand of my hair that had escaped from the baseball cap.

"Please leave everyone alone here. I'll come."

She laughed. "Are you not listening to what I'm saying? Your parents need to be aware that you are leaving with me. You are mine now and forever."

"Okay, I will call them."

"That is not a courteous way to handle things, little flower. We go now, they sign the deal, and we leave town to live happily ever after."

"Okay, but no dodgy business." I hissed.

"When have I ever been vague with you, little flower?" She delivered a sneer. I slapped her hand away from my string and shoved her inside the vehicle.


We rode. In the rear of the car, heading towards my parents' house. The last time I was there was for Easter supper. I have not looked back since. The only reason I went to dinner is because my mother persuaded me to not pose as a stranger to them rather than simply being about town. On the other side, my father could not care less about my actions in life, and I could already see his disgruntled expression when he saw who I was scurrying out of town with.

Though I knew that wasn't how I intended to leave town, the reality is that I didn't give a damn about what my parents thought of me and was just relieved that their disappointed daughter wasn't around.

"Listen..." I gritted at Isami. She cocked an eyebrow.

"What little flower?"

"We spend two years together, and then I go." I said. She could take it or leave it.

"I don't strike bargains with my wife." She grinned. I smacked her hard across the chest. She grabbed my arm. "You're mine forever, or I'll kill them." She sneered.

"Fuck you!"

"That is the first thing I am going to do when we get home. Fuck you, and then..."

She flung my baseball hat off, causing my hair to float over my face. She twirled the strands with her hands before pressing her lips to mine. I fought hard not to kiss, but I gave up as her finger sunk into the sensitivity of my waist and weakened me there. "I cum in you all night, stuffing that pussy with my milk." She gave me another passionate kiss.

"There is no escape this."

I pulled her away and turned my head towards the window. I sighed, anticipating tears. I started to sniffle. I felt her body next to mine in an instant, and she softly drew me into her arms until my head was practically lying on her chest.

She smells great, and her aroma is relaxing. Everything about her was so difficult for me to despise.

"I want to know why you killed Mr. Milestone, Kyle, and the other guys." Couldn't you have roughed them up a little?" It wouldn't be so horrible if she'd ordered her guys to beat them up.

"Life is about paying the consequences of how you live. When you kill something, you take it out of its agony; when you abuse it, you put it in anguish. Understand the difference, little flower."

"I still don't understand why you killed nearly 20 people."

"Said the lady that let a guy to stab himself." I mumbled.

"That was a lesson. Again, little flower, understand the difference."

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