Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Charlotte POV

I strolled out the back door, which leads to an unobstructed view of the setting sun. My nose sighed as it sucked in the air. I've been holed up in this restaurant all day, surrounded by the scent of scorched grill and fried oil. I lean on the stone wall and groan. I didn't smoke, yet I wish I did. I wish I could have a cigarette because it would helps me relax. I wasn't a drinker either, so I was forced to face my stress head on.

One question is why a Mafia Investor would be interested in a small town eatery. Shouldn't they invest in one of the motels? They made thousands of dollars per night.

Heck, I was one of their clients. Many people would wonder why I did not deposit a down payment on an apartment. That was because I did not want the weight of furnishings. I want no attachments to anything but the clothing in my duffel bag.

I looked down and saw a rock laying directly at my feet. I kicked it, and it landed on the empty garbage can, tumbling it over. The green plastic lid rolled a short distance before falling to a flat on the muddy pavement. There were no alleyways in our little town. It was simply building all over, but it didn't stop Kyle and the his squad from placing someone on one of these brick walls and taking their money.

I reach into my pocket to take out my phone. I saw a few notifications when I turned it on, but the time was the only thing that intrigued me. It was close to 6 p.m., and I didn't have any time off for another two hours. The customers had stopped coming in, which was excellent.

I let out another sigh, my thoughts shifting to the jerk who sat a bit too comfortably in the booth. From the looks of it, she has a lot of money. Fancy vehicles, fancy outfit, pistol, evident power, and a tempting bargain.

When the door opened, I peered excitedly, expecting to see Nadine. The talk about this mysterious woman was our first ticket.

But my expression went grim as I realized it was the mysterious, walking danger sign. She reminds me of Kyle, but more hotter and classier. She walks with dignity and speaks calmly, with no hint of arrogance in her voice, at least not yet. I don't believe I want to find out. She exudes a sense of danger, the kind of person your parents would warn you to avoid, and I didn't need them to tell me right now. I leaped from the wall and was going to move by her, when she slid smoothly in front of me.

She had boycotted her jacket blazers, leaving her with a silk black button-up shirt with undone cufflinks and sleeves pushed way up to her elbows, and it appeared that my verdict was valid, as I couldn't tell her skin from the tattoos that clustered there. Her top was tucked discreetly inside her black dress pants.

"I've got another proposal for you, little flower."

"Well I don't want any part of it."

"I don't think I give you an option."

I was sure if it had been Kyle, he would have lost his calm and pulled out his rifle, shoving it up wherever it landed. He wasn't a composed man, and I assumed all gangsters were like that. But she appeared different.

"What is your names?" I was startled that I even inquired her name. Why should I care what her name was? Just as I did not want a consumer to be aware of my name, I also did not want to know theirs. But I was left yearning to know the woman, which made a butterfly flutter in my gut.

Her hand, adorned with a golden watch, stretched for mine, her dark eyes fixed on me, and her soft lips sent spark shooting into my arms as they brushed the back of my hand. Isami Agawa. "The head of the Agawa Mafia."

When her fingertips moved down the length of my arm and came to a halt at my neck, my chest halted. Her touch had a hypnotizing effect on me.

"You are such a beautiful flower; I would hate for someone else to have you by the stem." She spoke in a lyrical whisper. I felt her gently move my back against the wall, which was definitely the best option because I needed some support.

"How about you become mine, little flower, every branch of you?" Her fingers gently caressed my nape as her gaze flicked to mine.

"I don't want to have anything to do with you." I grimaced, and I wished my eyes had conveyed the same thing as they danced around her.

"Do you belong to anyone else?"

I was single. I've been single for two years.

Sure, I slept around from time to time while I was on top of my game, but belonging to someone was a big no. Her touches persisted, beginning at my nape and ending at my skirt. I moaned as her finger cast shadows across my region. She grinned before pressing down on my pussy. "Bingo."

"You are really gorgeous. I wonder whether you smell lovely." Her body shifted closer, and I peered up at her face, the orange sun dancing on it. The sun caused her eyes to gleam, like dark ink. "May I check, little flower?"

I gasped as her fingers reached beneath my skirt and touched the smoothness of my thighs.

"You feel soft and delicate, like a flower." Another pair of butterflies loosened around my stomach, and their wings drove heat into my pussy.

I yelped when her fingers made direct contact with my panties. "This takes us to our suggestion, Little Flower. You belong to me."

I had to force myself to reject her hand, which was delivering a satisfying blow to my soaked clit. My underwear felt like it had been plunged in a lake in a matter of seconds. "I don't belong to nobody." I gritted.

"Maybe not yet. But soon." I felt her finger move the hem of my panties.

I gasped, but managed to slam my fist into her strong stomach, attempting to push her away, but suddenly I was like a block of melted butter in her grip, as her fingers swiped along my drenched slit.

"Hey!" A voice screamed. My head snapped to the voice; it was Kyle. But her gaze remained fixed on me, her fingers smashing into my clit, making me gasp in her chest. Her head slowly turned to gaze at Kyle, who stomped at us like a bull.

"You are touching my girlfriend!"

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