Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Charlotte POV

Rather than Nadine, one of the men returned with a glass of cold water. I threw some in my hands and splashed it in his face; he gave a deep moan, but his body wasn't responding much. I threw another spray at him, and his eyes opened. I put the water on the counter and reached for his cheeks. He appeared bewildered and dazed. His visage moved about in my hands; it appeared that he was gradually regaining his memory as his groans became louder, eventually turning into cries and tears.

I felt my body being gently thrown to the side, and we heard nothing but muffled groans.

When I looked up, I saw Isami's pistol being jammed into Mr. Milestone's mouth.

What the fuck?

"No sound from you." She said. I watched as she pushed the pistol deeper and he did his best to shove it away. "You scream; I shoot one of them. "Do you understand, Mr. Milestone?" His fearful eye looked up at her, and he slowly nodded.

She approached me, but I backed up into the counter. "You like being cornered by me, don't you?" She said.

"I don't." I murmured, really committing to ignoring the moist feeling that was rushing back at me.

"You don't need to lie. Eyes don't lie, you know. And the eyes are all I need." She leaned into my ears and whispered. "Later on I want your panties, willingly."

"And what about the unwilling process?"

"I murder you and take them covered in your blood."

My skin crawls. This woman was putting my body through a rollercoaster trip. I was aroused and wished for her contact regardless of the setting, and then I was repulsed by her.

"Sit down." She remarked, carefully pushing away, leaving me room to return to the booth. She was present as I was seated.

Her pink lips twitched as she rubbed the weapon against the side of her head, and her eyes glared down at the blood. She murmured incoherently under her breath. Then sighed.

"Didn't I tell someone to clean this up?"

A man hurried forward, shaking the handkerchief from his top pocket, wiping away the blood, and pushing it back into his pants pocket this time. I couldn't bear to look at the blood, let alone dabble a piece of fabric in it.

"Bring the briefcase." She barked at no one in particular, but the case was in her grasp in second. These men work with precision, but it wasn't enough for her.

No, it wasn't. So, what makes her believe I would be for her? Why was I even considering being with her in the first place?

I observed her perform a head count. My eyes widened as I saw not just one, but seven piles of money in her palm, demonstrating how huge her hand was.

Fuck. I'm wondering how it might look around my neck.

She dropped the money exactly where the blood was. "This men were all prepared to let you die tonight. Is that accurate, Mr. Milestone?" All of our heads turned to him, wondering whether he'd leave us here to suffer for his mistakes.

His eyes wet and he glanced down in shame, and I felt compelled to cry alongside him. He was there for me. I recall telling him about my desire to leave town, and he employed me immediately away, never taking a cut from my tip. Sure, he didn't like paying up front, which was OK, but now that attitude was his issue. I recall waiting weeks for my income and relying only on tips. But it never occurred to me to grab a kitchen knife and sever his skull or do something drastic.

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