Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Charlotte POV

Isami had now gathered all of us into a booth, and pistols were pointed at our heads. Everyone was terrified because it was essentially choking. Hanna was at the other end of the booth from me. And the rifle was largely aimed at us.

"My guys have hunted down your boss, and guess where we found him," she said, her hands in her pockets. My skin wasn't scorching red from the weapons, but it was more her glare. I'll ignore the fact that there was a pool on my underwear, which she had created, and now, she was ready to murder us.

So far, she had two ways to make a woman feel, and I felt confident I wasn't the only one she made feel like this: she could send a cold shiver through us and make us flee for our lives, or she could make us stay rigid and feel nothing but regrettably horniness. I used the term regrettably since I was feeling bad about being nailed up and now having a pistol aimed at me by none other than her.

"Am I speaking to myself?" She declared after receiving nothing but terrified silence.

"Home?" Oliver shrieked in the corner of the booth.

"Wrong guess."

"We discovered the little fucker slipping away on a bus. I told you, little flower, that you weren't not working hard enough. He intended to leave you all here to face the repercussions of his deeds."

I felt something heavy in the pit of my throat. Although he was attempting to preserve his life, he didn't seem to care what happened to us. I doubt he would feel guilty about leaving us behind to pay for his faults.

"I would have saved his life if he had confronted me like a genuine man, even if he chose this route."

"No." I muttered, knowing what was about to happen to him. Even though he has essentially left us to pay for him.

I'd plead. If only my begging had worth, she appeared to expect something in return. She had come here for something, and she intended to get it.

"That is not something he would do to us." I said.

"I'm certain he wouldn't."

"If he would or wouldn't have anything that I want, and from what I see, this town has a lot more than I desire." I could feel her intense stare.

"Tonight, you will all see the demise of this filthy restaurant and its master. Knowing the consequences of lying and stealing, you will all depart with it."

"We're doomed." Nadine spoke from beside me, and I could hear her heart pounding out of her chest, or mine, or all of ours. We were all about to witness a man's death. I didn't enjoy the feeling that was slowly developing in my gut. I could feel my blood starting to flow. Despite the heat, I couldn't stop shivering. Nadine and I exchanged cold sweats, resulting in an unpleasant sensation.

"No, we aren't."

"Mr. Milestone is doomed. He knew he'd die no matter what."

"What do we do?"

"Nothing." Hanna murmured. "Nothing but to see a man die."


Isami Awaga was running out of patience. I knew she was there as my smell slipped from her fingertips, but she couldn't help but check. Even though I was going to witness a man die in God knows how many seconds or hours, I couldn't help but remember that something had stuck me near my pussy. I huffed at myself; it wasn't the time to reflect on my whoring attitude, but I was intrigued as to what was causing the problem. It felt neither like a pen nor like a rifle. It seemed fairly natural. It felt firm and soft at the same time.

I sighed deeply; anybody would assume I was concerned for Mr. Milestone, and I was, but I was more interested in what was in her blasted pants. I should have squeezed it.

Isami's loud impatient whistle sliced through my thoughts like the sharp sword that lurked near us. To begin with, such weapons were worthless, but once in the hands of a person, they became useful.

Her shoes made a rhythmic click as she went up and down, her finger to her nose, and she huffed in frustration when she didn't catch a whiff of my perfume. How it makes me pleased that she doesn't. Finally, she checks her pricey wristwatch. Everything about her exuded glamour, tranquility, and danger.

She was taking everything gently, while we were essentially wrecking everything.

"Where the fuck are they with that bastard." She muttered to herself. In her small condition, I felt at ease since her gaze was not on me. With the pit of destruction all over my body, I doubt I wanted her look to make me feel so many different emotions.

"Wolfe, have you received any updates?" She spoke to the man who had just stepped in.

"No, Boss. They're being held up by traffic."

"Does the traffic have any control over itself?" She inquired in a windless tone. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at the man.

He quivered in his dress shoes, his head still bowed, but I knew he felt her gaze. At the very least, we had similar sentiments.

"No, Boss."

"What do we do if the traffic is out of control, Wolfe?"

"We gained control of it, Boss." His eyes were wide open, looking at the floor. Fear reeked from his demeanor. Why wasn't I the only one who didn't feel complete dread for her? She wasn't all awful. Maybe since I was dating a jerk, her personality was nearly bearable.

Her tattoo finger danced across his shoulder as she circled and toyed with him.

"If you understood what to do, why are you standing in front of me like a fucking whimp. If you understood you should do all it took to regulate traffic, why are you here, Wolfe?"

"My apologies, Boss."

"And how are you going to redeem your stupidity?"

"B-boss." I could see his perspiration flowing from his black hair; it didn't run down his face in a continuous stream, but splattered against the flooring; it was so loud that I could hear it—we all could.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, Wolfe."

"Sorry, boss."

We all yelped when he smacked his hand against the booth table.

My eyes widened as he drew out a knife and drove it into the back of his hand. I gasped as I watched the blood flowing out and flooding towards the edge of the table, where it drops onto the floor. I heard a pistol being drawn and understood it was aimed at the man's head. "If you scream, weep, or whimper, I will terminate your life right here." She said.

He nodded. He inhaled, held it for a minute, and exhaled shakily. He was battling with all his wits not to scream or cry as he saw his own wound, which he had opened, flow.

"Pull it out." She demands.

He blew in and out. He grabbed the blade's handle, and as it pulled away from the wound, I could hear the flesh being sliced, which made me sick to my stomach. I looked around the booth, and everyone's eyes was fixated on the point where a big pool of blood had formed, with only a few drips reaching the edge and slowly dripping into the floor. The odor of blood in the air made me want to puke.

"Tell them they have ten minutes to manage traffic and ten minutes to present me with the money-grabbing cunt." Her lips curved into a scowl, and a crude expression crossed her face...

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