Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Charlotte POV

He returned his focus to the television, but Mom grabbed the remote and switched it off. "She is going for good." She spoke to him.

"She should stop walking around town and disappointing us."

"Jim!" She called in an admonishing tone.

"This is the truth." He hummed.

"That's fine."

"I'd want to introduce you to my fiancé—"

"There's no need. She does not have my blessings. Why would I want to hear anything from a daughter who continues to disappoint me?"

"Don't speak to her like that." Isami hissed as her hold tightened on me.

He stood up, but his slight stature did not prevent him from squaring up to her.

"She is my daughter."

She quickly pulled out her pistol, and her men followed her, aiming at my father. He lifted his hands in surrender. I stood there, frozen. What to do? My mother broke down, trembling in place.

"And she's my wife; no one should speak to her that way."

My father turned to me, enraged yet in a calm manner. "You let some bitch come up—" she smashed her gun buttocks into the hairline of his bald skull. Blood flowed from the slash that had been created. "Apologize to her." She quietly stated. "Or else I will kill you."

"I didn't raise you to be with some lowlife who has come into my home and wants respect." He hissed at me and I flinched away.

"I'm so—"

"Apologies. Now." She demanded louder.

"No." He stands on his feet. They faced each other, not exactly eye to eye, but they were looking each other in the face.

I told her, "Let us just leave."

"He apologize first."

"No. This is the house I own. This isn't the streets ends."

She laughed manically. She turned to her guys. "Do you hear this, guys? He thought we were just some small thugs on the street." She pushed the weapon farther into his head. My heart raced quickly against my lungs. I could hear my mother praying beneath her breath.

"I can buy this town and burn it down. Let's cut to the chase. Simply apologize to my wife, and we'll be on our way. She won't pester you, and you won't see your grandchildren." She said slowly drawing her gun. She grinned. An untrustworthy smile. She was taking a cool attitude to it.

"Anything she has from you or anyone in this world is a cursed kid."


A shot sounded from the barrel of her elevated pistol, and I clamped my palms to my lips. Hearing my mother's loud scream drove me to glance in her way, however she was pointing to the floor.

My father, there he was, a hollow hole in his brain.

"No!" I wailed. My knees weakened like fried noodles, and I felt myself tumbling to the floor, but I didn't make it, hand clasped around my waist. "Let's go." She roared into my ears.

"No!" I attempted to shake forcefully out of her arms. I could hear the creaking of the stairs as my sister rushed down them. Her expression was one of astonishment, something I had never seen before. She was always the youngster without feelings who simply cared about herself. I was astonished when she rushed to our father's body. She extended her hand, wishing to touch it but unable to.

"Let's go." She hoisted me off to the floor, my feet dangle in the air.

The last thing I saw were two pairs of despair-filled eyes.

"Please, no!"

"Round up the vehicles. We're moving out!" She shouted.

"Let me go!" I cried, and my body stopped trying for her to let me go. "Please let me go!"

She seated me in the car and shut the door. The driver stepped in, along with another man, and drove away.

"Let me stay!" I shouted, pounding her body. I knew each hit was landing, but she didn't respond. She was probably insensitive to pain.

She ignored my apparent outburst and stared out the window.


I couldn't help but weep. I have no faith that I will ever stop crying. This wasn't simply some foolish goosey watching a man's body. This man was more than simply a man. This man was my father. Even though our connection wasn't the best and he didn't seem to like me, he was still my father.

"You are wicked!" I shouted as I clutched at her neck; she did nothing to resist as my hand suffocated every vein in her neck. She glanced dead ahead. "I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I smacked her in the face.

"I will not damage you, little flower."

"You already have. You murder him. You killed my father."

"He talked to you rudely; what do you want me to do?" She gritted, until the veins in her neck exploded. My gaze swept across her blood-splattered face.

"He's meant to speak to me like that."

"No, Charlotte Awaga; he is not. He was nothing more than a wretched old guy, and I put him out of his misery." She huffed and reached for what appeared to be a handkerchief, but as she drew it out to wipe her face, I recognized it as my black lace underwear from the previous night.

I gasped in surprise as she patted the blood off her face with it. She tsked and stared down at it. "Now it is wrecked." She whispered.

"It smells like ill-mannered pig blood!" She yelled, pounding her fist repeatedly into the headrest.

So my father's blood in my panties irritates her more than my physical thrashing. I sneered and shook my head.

"I wish you die."

Her frigid expression shifted onto me. She chuckled. She drew the gun from her waist and dropped it in my lap, and I peered down at it with watery eyes. It was the gun that killed my father.

"Kill me." She demanded more than just what was requested.

"I am granting you the right to murder me, little flower. Fulfill your desire."

I instantly seized the hefty weapon, which was so heavy, not just in weight but also in souls, that it made my hand rustle like a leaf in the wind, and my fingers danced on the trigger like a dancer.

I quickly leveled the pistol at her. She didn't flinch as I wanted her to. She did not exhibit any fear in her eyes. Has anyone ever turned a gun on her? She wasn't responsive as I had hoped. But I kept it to her. "I am going shoot." My voice revealed my nervous tremble, and I regretted speaking in the first place.

She relaxed onto the seat and placed her head on the headrest.

Her fingers danced on her lips, and as soon as her gaze settled on me, a grin appeared on her face. She enjoyed it more than I did. This gives her delight. Excitement. As I peered down at her crotch, I noticed her cock swelling in size.

"I swear to God, if you don't kill me, little flower, I will fuck you. Right here. Right now." She growled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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