chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Charlotte POV

"Hey!" A voice screamed. My head snapped to the voice; it was Kyle. But her gaze remained fixed on me, her fingers smashing into my clit, making me gasp in her chest. Her head slowly turned to gaze at Kyle, who stomped at us like a bull.

"You are touching my girlfriend!" Kyle shouted. "Get your fuckin' hands off her." I was both pleased and ashamed to see Kyle. Happy because he was coming to save me, but humiliated because I was secretly enjoying what was being done to my pussy. It was causing pleasure, and I was discreetly accepting it. I was ready to tell Kyle that everything was OK and that he should mind his business.

Oh no, I viewed it as a means for him to demonstrate how much of a mobster he was.

I turned aside, as her name was too difficult to recall. It wasn't every day that I heard a name that did not originate in England. I was a blushing, groaning filth in her arms, covertly grasping the silk fabric of her shirt and gradually grinding on her fingers. "Just...," I muttered.

"I know you are almost there; just relax." She purred in my ears, her rich voice singing a major chord that had me on the verge of crumbling like a wall.

"What the fuck are you doing to her?" I assumed he heard my moaning and mistook it for a grunt of effort. Believe me, I was straining to keep my back firm against the wall and my feet planted.

Why doesn't Kyle just shut up? If he's rescuing me from the pleasure of her hands, he should get right to it. The stranger fingers slid over my clit, causing it to pulsate. My wet slope was like noise pollution for my ears. I felt her body shielding me from Kyle, and I couldn't be more grateful for her wistful thinking.

"I said let her fucking go." Kyle's voice bleated in my ears.

I couldn't focus on getting my orgasm to come through, so I had to start over. "Who the Fuck are you?" He hissed, and I could hear his steps get closer. My head was lifted on the roughage of the wall, and my eyes were drawn to the many color colors that decorated the sky.

"Leave." Her one command came low from her. Her body holds me in, as if to tell me I wasn't going anywhere, and trust me, I wanted to be anywhere but here to continue what she started. Instead of stepping away, as I should, my legs slide down the hard pavement, giving her a better view of my landscape.

She laughed, and I could feel her eyes on me—both of them.

"Don't stop." I moisten my lips, closing my eyes to drown out Kyle's loud and obnoxious demands. He was all talk, no action. Why haven't we done anything yet. All he did was stand there and wail like a whining baby, as this woman, this stranger, repeatedly stomped on my area, leaving nothing but a thick, wet mess.

"Believe me, I don't plan on stopping until you cum—until you belong to me." She appeared dead set on making me hers, and I was dead set on getting her to release me.

It just demonstrates that we all have goals in life, even if we may not always achieve them. I've long filtered out the sounds and shifted my breathing from panting to a constant, sheath motion. The feelings grew and, like a tsunami, slammed my lower area, leaving my entrance longing to be filled.

My mouth dropped wide, and I urgently grabbed her, knowing what she was going to do to me. Only I could do it to myself all these years, and now a stranger was doing it to me.

But I felt the heat of her body move away from me, and like inserting a plug into a working machine, my cliterious throbbed as her fingers broke touch.

My immediate reaction was to direct my fury at Kyle, who I noticed just in time shove her away. She let out a thoughtful sigh, but Kyle appeared to be on the verge of losing his mind. I was going to explode on him for delaying my climax.

"What the fuck were you doing, you sick fuck!" He growled, prepared to charge at her, but I leaped in front of her to shield him from her.

She had a deadly expression in her eyes and was too composed. I looked down and saw her hand gently sliding off of what seemed to be a revolver. Her next hand, which was on my clit, sank into her mouth, and my eyes widened in surprise as I tried to pull an angry hippo from behind me. If only he could take a relaxing medication.

It appeared that she had filtered everything out, as her fingers gently slipped from her lips, which she then freely licked. "I'll just have to stay in town longer." Her throaty voice muttered, and her mouth hardly opened. "I just need to get another taste."

She passes by me and disappears back inside the restaurant.

I felt my body pulled up against the wall, and instead of controlled eyes, rage blazed in these ones. His hands were wrapped around my throat, and his teeth were so firmly together that I could hear them grinding in a terrible way. I could feel his fingernail sinking into my flesh, which felt like venom.

"What is this?"

"You let some bitch to touch you!" He let out a snarl. I failed to mention that Kyle Hummock was still not over me. The girl with the red hair and green eyes seemed to haunt his inadequate dreams, and he couldn't stop thinking about me. His beautiful blue eyes glowed with jealousy. I smirked.

"I've saved you." I smirked.

"Saved?!" He shouted furiously. "I saved you; you were just letting some stranger touch up on you." He was verbally admonished. His finger pressed into his fist, and I knew he was going to punch me someplace. That's all he has: strength to defeat the weak.

"Maybe you wanted it because you're a slut!" He insulted me, blowing spit in my face. His eyes were like wild blue fire.

"As if you were any better." I growled back. Kyle has a way of getting what he wants when he wants it, which wasn't too awful because he seldom stayed more than five minutes, maybe seven if I was lucky.

It felt like his cock was a grater, and my pussy was Coconut, only shredded in a not-so-cute—not-so-wet way.

"We have a relationship."

"We're done! We've been done for two years!" I pushed him away, intending to go away, but he grabbed me and threw me back against the wall. I've been in this scenario before, and it always ends with my back against the wall, facing him.

"It's best if you know who you're speaking with like that."

"Else, what?" I challenged. "Are you going to curse me till I cry? Or give gasoline to the fire, which is why I stated you are no different from everybody else who tried to hurt me, because you are the biggest villain in my damn life."

As he got closer, his scratchy beard dug into my flesh. It seemed like a mound of ripped pieces were being brushed on my chin. I've always had issues with his beard, from making him appear crazy to interfering with my skin. His unsuccessful attempts to devour my pussy since he claimed to be the greatest. Was it? No, it wasn't. His beard was providing more labor than his mouth.

"If I see you with her again, I will kill her."

I grinned, mischievously. I'll admit I was a naughty girl until the consequences of my actions turned around and gave me a huge juicy bite in the rear.

However, I would expect Kyle to bring his little rifle to someone who had a larger gun.

"I would love to see you try." I encouraged.

"Watch me."

For a moment, his eyes danced with danger, as I, too, knew and loved—but not anymore. For a cold, solid minute, I believed he could murder this girl, but not in the way I had imagined. I see him coming up on her in her sleep and killing her. Because he was cowardly. Kyle Hummock, wasn't nothing more than coward bully.

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