Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Charlotte POV

Next day....

I awoke with a sigh, and I didn't even need to open my eyes to think since everything from yesterday was coming back to haunt me. I slowly rose out of bed, like a walking zombie. My hair falls across a white button-up shirt instead of my black cocktail dress. I made another mistake by allowing her have her way with me. My gaze shifted to the chair, where Kyle was, and I worried what had happened to him. I feel suddenly overwhelmed with remorse that she could have hurt him.

I grumbled as I got out of the comfortable bed. The motel bed was not very comfy, but I didn't want it to be.

I wanted to be the opposite so I could work even harder to get out of town. My feet touched the plush carpet, and I sighed contentedly as I looked down. I came to a cautious halt and began looking around the room, mostly for my outfit. My plan was to leave as quickly as possible and most likely take a bus to get out of town. Twenty thousand bucks wasn't enough for the large city, which I was considering. When I searched on my phone for rent or even a modest hotel, they were all pricey.

Mr. Milestone was gone, and I'm not sure how long I'd be telling myself that.

Maybe a part of me can't accept the fact that his head rolled off his body and dropped to the floor of his own restaurant, and then to make matters worse, I showed up at the hotel to get fucked by the perpetrator, while my ex boyfriend watched. If he was still alive, I couldn't stay around town because he would definitely tell everyone what had transpired, and I knew he would make sure to throw in something extra to make me look even worse than I already was.

My phone started to ring, and it came from outside the room. I promptly opened the door to find an empty living room and kitchen. She didn't appear to be present.

I pulled the top of the purse open and took the phone out. I scoffed when I saw Nadine named ID.

I waited a few more rings before answering it. "What?" I drop down on the sofa, raise both of my legs, and spread them, exposing my pussy. My comfort level was rising, and I had planned to depart immediately after this conversation.

"Is it real? What happened? Is Mr. Milestone actually dead?" Her trembling voice inquired.

"I'm not sure, Nadine. Why don't we inquire regarding his chopped-up body?" I snapped.

I couldn't believe he was also gone, but I wasn't going to have any nice talk with Nadine after she helped vote the man out. I was wearing her clothing, which smelled like her and bla—bla—bla. But at the very least, I was battling for him not to die, and I shouldn't be here feeling so bad. Nadine and others should.

"Fuckkk." I puffed, feeling the tears well up. I massaged my eyes. I was really foolish. How could I let her to fuck me so good?

"You okay?"

I sprang, forgetting she was on the fucking phone.

"That's a ridiculous question to ask, Nadine. "How can I be okay?" My voice croaked like a lethargic frog on a lily in the lake. "I watched a man die." I heard that roughly 13 guys died while getting fucked, and this lady was supposed to be avoided, but I was pulled to her instead. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Drawn. To. Her.

"Nadine Foote, what do you want?"

"I simply wanted to say I'm sorry. What do you expect me to do. Everybody accepts the money. That is a lot of money. I have children." She laid out her reasoning.

"Don't say sorry. Fly to Japan and apologize to his mutilated body."

"Please stop talking about it; I think I'm going to be sick." She gagged while weeping.

"Vomit on your money." I growled.

"Please quit being so insensitive and be more compassionate."

"For what?"

"We sold that guy out." Yes! I included myself.

"We had no option. He hung out with some pretty awful guys and was going to let us die. Last night, we could have died."

"He was simply afraid."

"No matter what he did, he was there for all of us. No one else in town was hiring, and he took us under his wings." In addition, I explained.

"I'm leaving town." I grumbled, getting up from the sofa and returning to the room to get my dress. "Tonight."


"I don't know, some places other than here and I suggest you leave too. The stigma."

"I have three kids; how will I uproot them?"

"I didn't mean now; I meant presumably in the following few months. You have money right now. Used it." I ruffled the white sheet, expecting my outfit to be easier, but it wasn't. Did she seize my dress to prevent me from leaving?

"Why are you leaving?"

"I do not know. Did you happen to see Kyle around?"

"Where are you now?"

"The hot—motel." I responded. I went to the closet, where there were just a few suits hanging there. I tore one down, tossed it on the bed, and took out only the pants.

"Did you see him, or not?" I inquired impatiently. She was wasting my time, and she might be returning any second.

"I didn't. Why?"

Fuck. He was probably dead, along with his pals. "This woman is not to be fucked with, and you should keep your mouth sealed. You didn't tell anyone what occurred at the restaurant, right? Not even your baby daddy?"

"No, why?"

"Make it stay like that. If you can't bare it. Leave town. Follow my idiotic advise. I need to go."

I hurriedly hang up the phone and put on the pants. I dashed into the living room, shoved everything I had in my handbag, and raced for the door. 

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