Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Charlotte POV

I wasn't shocked when her tongue slid into my mouth and began to explore; I groaned, tasting the harshness of her tongue and feeling the pleasure of her touch. It didn't take long for me to disintegrate; when her palm discovered another delicious area, this time on my neck, I felt myself growing wetter and leaped on her without warning.

"Maybe we could give your lover a lesson." She pants on my lips, pressing her tongue against them. "Perhaps your little boyfriend should understand how much I desire you. How much you are mine."

I could feel us moving across the room, but I kept my eyes closed, loving the way her lips and tongue licked my neck.

As her lips moved like a leech, I realized she was marking me, and a cat-like roar escaped my lips. My hand sank into her spiky hair, each strand silky and slightly moist as my finger raked through it, groping the back of her neck, suffocating her in marking me. The sensation of sexual, passionate want moved to my clenching pussy, and all I wanted was for her to take me—I was single anyhow. But just thinking about Kyle seeing these marks and knowing it was her—knowing it would drive him insane—turned me hot.

As she leaned me against the wall, her hips pressed against my crotch, and I whimpered for more than clothing-to-clothes contact. I want to feel her cock slide into my pussy from every angle.

She clutched my hair, and her animalistic howl was like music in my ears.

"We should definitely give him a lesson." She nipped viciously at my ear, and I curled in her arms. "And that is exactly what we want to accomplish." She muttered, sliding me down the wall until we reached the door frame.

"Just fuck me!"

"I promise, little flower. I won't just fuck you; you'll become my wife..." She gently places hot lips on my neck, causing me to nod in agreement with her requirements. "You will have my children..." Her hand rested on my thighs, which were wrapped around her waist. "And I'm taking you away."

"Yes, take me away." I slurred. She opened the room door and ushered us in. She kissed beneath my neck and sucked to further brand me. As she moved between my legs, the dress slipped up my thighs, revealing the wet outcome of her simple kiss and touch. Her fingers moved up my breast, found a nipple, and gripped it.

"Oh, God!"

She carefully pushed away, removing her robe. I bite my lips as my gaze moves slowly over her tattooed body. But my brow wrinkled as I noticed something, like a person moving from the side of my eyes....

I let out a harsh cry as I saw Kyle with a tight bind over his lips. His wrists are behind his back, and his feet are shackled. His upper torso was constrained to the chair, which he rocked fiercely. His blazing eyes focused on us, but they darkened even more as they rested on me.

"What is this?" I questioned, wide-eyed, staring up at a grinning Isami.

"That is us about to teach, little Kyle Hummock here a little lesson." Her fingertips moved from my throbbing chest to my quivering lips. Looking at Kyle, he was severely battered and gasping against the tight bound that kept his breath in.

"Please let him leave."

She giggled, and I focused my gaze on her dark eyes. "I want him to see me fuck you, little flower." Her sardonic chuckle rings around the room. "I want him to realize how much you are mine now."

Her fingers find a way into my flesh, peeling my dress off, while both shoulders and my erect nipples are assailed by the air. My legs' sensations heightened to their full potential.

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