Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Charlotte POV

I didn't see any of her guards barricading the door or anywhere else in the hotel, which made me wonder if something had happened to her. There was only one way to find out: Kyle had succeeded in his sneak assault and was most likely holding her at knifepoint. He has a gun, but as I previously indicated, he understands very little about how to use it—the man is an idiot.

My hand went up anxiously to knock on the door. An picture of violence flashed before my eyes. I couldn't endure to watch any more blood. I gradually place my hand on the door. I gazed up and down the narrow corridor. I suddenly discovered there were only two entrances on this one floor.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by my discovery. I wonder who was in room 451. Probably another high-ranking Mafia member who operates behind closed doors.

The door opened. A smirked on Isami's lips. "Something tells me you will be here tonight, one way or another." I was relieved to find that she was well, and it felt strange in my bones. She had brought nothing except agony. If anything, I should have stayed at home and prayed that Kyle's surprise strike worked.

"Please come inside." She said quietly and gently took my hand, bringing me in. The perfume of vanilla bean candles fills the area with a wonderful fragrance. My panicked eyes scanned the surroundings, but there was no blood or turmoil.

Just over on the left was a tiny kitchen and living space, giving the impression of a penthouse rather than a hotel room.

"I'm not here to entertain you." I said.

"You're not?" Her gaze swept over my outerwear, just as mine did over her. I wouldn't call what she was wearing an attire, but more sleepwear. Her pubic hair, which formed a fading line from her v-line up to her stomach, was visible as her silk pajamas pants fell low on her hip bones. When her fingers scuffled in her pocket, they hung even lower. She clutched a glass of whiskey in her other hand.

"I'm only here to warn you about Kyle, my boyfriend..." I had a queasy feeling in my stomach, like to an old truck, especially after noticing how jealously darkened her eyes. Why was she envious that I have a boyfriend? I technically don't, but I was selling and she was buying.

"Are there any guards around?" I inquired, gazing around the little room. Clearly, if they were around, I would notice them with their weapons and grim expressions, so that was probably a silly question, but I was scared. This bad day was gradually turning into a bad night for me.

"They are handling some business for me." She reminds me of a crooked tax collector who goes about demanding money and removing your head if she doesn't get it. "Why?"

"Tell them to leave that business and come to protect you. Kyle is plotting a surprise strike."

She cocked an eyebrow and relaxed against the table containing the various liquors. I knew she wouldn't react in the least, and something about her gazing at me with a crude sneer on her lips made my knees watery. "Need a drink, little flower."

I glanced at the glass, thinking that a brief drink could help settle my worries.

I strutted towards her, eagerly accepting her offer. "Why not?" I said.

She turned and poured me a drink. She handed it to me. "Just be calm, little flower."

I took it in one gulp and went to the liquor table instead to serve myself. I wasn't a drinker, but I couldn't bear the sensation that was gradually building in me. "You need guards." I said. She wouldn't be able to fight against around fifteen men. She was virtually dead, and I was on her side.

"He's your lover, correct?"

"Yes, so?" I could feel the searing liquor's influence.

My mouth tasted bitter, and I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or knowing our asses were about to be thrashed. Kyle Hummock will figure out a method to get past the two security personnel at the door.

"So why are you here telling me this?" She was coolly sipping her liquor, while I was downing drink after drink. I laughed loudly.

"I do not know, Isami. Maybe if something happened to you, I won't be able to forgive myself. He received your room number from me. More likely to bully me for it." I confessed with a hushed tone.

"You care, don't you little flower. You care about me, not your lover."


"No, I don't." I really don't want any more blood poured; I think I've drawn enough blood today." I shuddered.

I sensed her presence behind me. "Why are you actually here, little flower?"

I moaned, resting the empty glass in the tray. "I've told you. My boyfriend is com—"

"You know I can manage myself, little flower."

I could bang my head against the wall; of course, she could manage herself. She could take out fifteen guys, and I'm guessing she has guns that shower bullets like whales. I could feel my pussy skipping a beat every two seconds as her fingertips traced the contour of my tight dress.

"I think you look lovely for me. I like the way you care. How you are essentially betraying your boyfriend for me."

"I only want tranquility." I panted, attempting to suppress the rising dampness in my pussy.

"I suppose I should go home."

She chuckled, and I gasped because the sound was so deep in my ears. "No, we should stay and wait for your little lover to arrive and assault me."

I turned around, facing her. Instead, her hand lay in my breast, and I tried to glance down at it but failed. "You understand what I'm thinking about, little flower."


I groaned as her fingers found my tight nipple and began gently caressing it.

"How my cock would feel stretching your tight little cunt."

"I got a boyfriend."

"He's a very bad boy." She exhaled as she set her glass down. She squeezed my nipples, which made me squeak with ecstasy. My nipples were always one of my hot spots, and no one ever touched them. Men usually ignored it like it was a particle of dust, but she seemed to know exactly where to touch to get me in her arms.

"You're not going anywhere, little flower."


"Just look at you, little flower; you're a mess." Her fingers took a medium strand of my hair and twisted it around her tattooed fingers.

My gaze fell to her pants, a tent there. "You honestly think I am so naive to allow you walk out that door and not have a taste of you?" Her soft, deep voice murmured near to my lips. I felt my nervous fingers push part of the silky robe to show her naked stomach, but as my gaze wandered up to her chest, there it was: the painting, pasted over it with a skillful touch.

"I'm not sure why I care." I confessed. Perhaps a part of me wants to know what she truly has.

"Caring for me isn't a negative thing, little flower."

"I do not know you." My fingertips pirouetted on her chest.

And when it slipped to where her breast should have been, I noticed the scar; she had her breast removed.

"You don't need to know me."

I wasn't shocked when her tongue slid into my mouth and began to explore; I groaned, tasting the harshness of her tongue and feeling the pleasure of her touch. It didn't take long for me to disintegrate; when her palm discovered another delicious area, this time on my neck, I felt myself growing wetter and leaped on her without warning.

"Maybe we should teach your boyfriend a little lesson." 

cold Sweat (Mafia Romance) GirlxintersexWhere stories live. Discover now