Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Charlotte POV

I gazed at both Nadine and Hannah. "You're both correct." It appears that she is an investor or has a lending bureau under her name. She assisted Mr. Milestone in creating this restaurant, and he has not paid her back." I explained the story to everyone else.

"So she is practically holding us captive here."

I didn't want to be the sort of girl who was in a cramped room and just saw the cold, raw wall. I prefer to gaze at the wall and imagine it's a beautiful day with a lake or mountain view. So, no, I don't think she's holding us here against our will.

But, again, I wasn't going to impose my ideas on a bunch of fatigued workers.

"We are hostages. She just isn't the sort to make us sit on the floor with blindfolds over our eyes, tape around our mouths, hands chained behind our backs, and a pistol to our heads."

"Wow, thanks for the wonderful explanation." Hanna replied sarcastically.

"She's simply trying to make it a nice outcome. She meant that we may be in a worse situation."

"I'm not going to fool around with her." I said.

"What is that intended to mean?"

"It implies that we either empty the cash register and give it to her, or we try to get Mr. Milestone on the phone."

"You are really illogical." I retreated and held out my hand as Hanna snarled at me.

"Don't bark at her as if she were one of your children. At least she has a concept, compared to your worthless idea."

I raised an eyebrow, as it appeared that I had missed something when chatting to Isami.

"She proposed that we suck off the guys. All of us."

My mouth dropped wide in disgust, yet I couldn't be completely appalled. A Mafia leader was trying to keep her calm because she could smell my aroma on her fingertips. I got terrific goosebumps as I remembered her, fingers twitching on my clit.

"I will attempt to contact Mr. Milestone. "Nadine, you see how much money we have." As I left the kitchen again, I said. I was sweating hard since it was the first time I had ever been truly trapped in a life-or-death scenario. But other from that, I felt peaceful the entire time, maybe because a pistol wasn't pointed at my head yet.

The phone was ringing, and I couldn't understand why I wasn't receiving a response from him. And I began to wonder whether he might leave town, leaving us to fend for ourselves. The environment had changed, and some documents were in front of her, along with a wide-open sleek black suitcase.

When the phone went unanswered once again, I slid into the booth.

"Just as your aroma fades, so does my patience."

"I'm not getting through to him."

"What are the other people in the rear doing? It appears like you are the only one thinking. You must truly appreciate your life."

"Believe me. I do." I have so much that I have yet to achieve. I truly want to make my parents proud one day, if not now or perhaps never, but at least the concepts count.

"Perhaps you're not trying hard enough, little flower." She reached into her pants' waistline and drew out her midnight black pistol.

I can hear the countless souls wailing from it—I was just being theatrical. I could only hear my heart throbbing in my chest.

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