Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Charlotte POV

I slammed my Motel door shut, feeling as if I'd never make it back. Her whole men's team had security stationed throughout the hotel, and something tells me it was to ensure I didn't leave; nonetheless, Kyle did attempt to assault her.

My initial impulse was to call Kyle. But instead, I went for my duffel bag. I needed to get out of town, but making sure he was okay was on my agenda. I despise the man. I liked getting my retribution. But death was something I wanted no one to experience, not even my worst enemy.

When he didn't answer the phone, something sank into my gut.

I care for Kyle; we went to school together. We were essentially best buddies until his alleged gangster lifestyle and beard got in the way. Knowing he was probably dead didn't feel right to me, but it didn't stop me from replacing all of the clothes I had thrown out on the bed the night before into the bag.

Last night. How do I characterize yesterday night? I'd say "up and down." That is how Isami Awaga made me feel. I know what she has doneeeee for my body. She touched regions that would make any woman swoon, but I wasn't emotionally ready...yet.

I replied yet, since if she catches me, I could fall. It wasn't hard to fall in love with someone who makes your body feel fantastic. So leaving before I fell for the monster would be perfect.

I closed the bag and hurled it directly at the door, landing with a loud thud. To my utter surprise, as I walked over to the window, there wasn't even a fire truck at the eatery. It was as if nothing occurred. The eatery that had been there shortly before I was born was now gone. In nothing but fire. Only the burned patch remained.

A knock came at the door, and my spirit felt as if it had left my body.

It might be one of two people at my door: Kyle, who was a whimp and wanted the weakest source to vent his rage on, or Isami, who was coming to punish me for not remaining until she could take me out of town. Believe me, after all that occurred, all I wanted was to get out of town.

The knock came again, firmly. I tiptoed to the door and looked through the peephole to see two officers. Fuck, fuck, and fuck! I'm sure they could inquire about a gazillion different topics.

I flashed my hand and shimmered my body to relieve my worry.

I really need to get out of town. I don't care if I was a suspect or a witness; all I knew was that I needed to go. Now.

I opened the door. "Good morning, Officers." I remarked with a smile, but when I saw their serious expression, it quickly faded. I cannot deal with them right now.

"Skip the formalities." Mr. Barn spoke. We have a tiny police force, so everyone knows each other. "We heard what occurred." His harsh voice came. "And we're very sorry." Mr. Brooke filled in.

I, on the other hand, was perplexed as I lay my frail body on the door.

It might be about the restaurant, or Kyle's death. Which was it? I was not going to ask, though. I was just going to stand there until they explained what their condolences were about.

"The eatery." Mr. Barn has finally confirmed.

"Yeah. What happened?"

"We're here to ask you the same question?" He reversed, and his companion took out a notebook.

I snorted nervously. "What happened?"

"According to several witnesses, a lady and some guys came in and chased everyone out before closing the eatery."

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