Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Charlotte POV

The 'E' on the hotel sign was the only light, clearing the way for the rusted handle of the murky floor. I was exhausted. It's been a long day of ups and downs, and I just want to wash it all away. Even though I didn't have blood on me, I smelled like it. It seemed that the aroma was following me. It just didn't feel right to collect the tip as I left the restaurant with no money. He was dead, and I couldn't take a cent from that spot. Unlike them. What were their thoughts? Just a nod of the head. Were they going to enjoy the money?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Milestone. May your spirit rest peacefully." I muttered regretfully, trying to keep the tears from falling.

I sleep on the top level of the motel. There weren't any barriers to guard the entryway; only the uncovered rods of the steps. Just as I neared the top, I spotted Kyle and his crew. I rolled my eyes with annoyance. My skin shuddered in distaste as the stink of narcotics and booze filled my nostrils and left an unpleasant taste on the inside of my mouth.

"What do you shitbags want?" I attempted to stern my voice but failed. They chuckled when they spotted me, their ravenous eyes peering down at me.

I'm not sure how Kyle didn't notice with his two large blue eyes that his friends constantly wanted to screw me. I wasn't an ex-girlfriend who would moan and complain to my boyfriend about his foolish, small dick pals trying to get their way with me. Crystal Lake was a little town, and you can see where I'm going with this—it was easy to slip into the 'everyone sleeps with everyone' club. Many of us can't help it. But I always do my homework and know who is or was together.

"We want to know where that bitch came from." One of his friends struck me against my door.

"Why don't you go ask her?" I gritted.

She was probably still down by the restaurant, chopping up and packing Mr. Milestone's body parts like meat for shipment out of the State. The awful sight flashed through my mind, as did all I'd been experiencing in the previous four hours, therefore sniffing this guy's foul breath felt like a blessing.

"This is what happens when you date whores like you." Kyle hopped from the bars and walked towards me. His face was shattered with fiery rage.

"What do you guys want?" I inquired as they began to cluster around me like ravenous vultures. I swear to God, I want to leave this place right now.

"Are you going to tell us where she is?"

"The restaurant, Kyle. You know this. You saw her, and did you forget how she almost killed you? I had to save you."

His companions gazed at him. "Quit lying, you bitch."

"Yes, quit lying." He snarled, pressing his fist on the wall to silence me. I'm no longer afraid of Kyle Hummock after seeing what she was capable of today. In comparison to her, he was a baby still wearing diapers. She's a Mafia. She is The Mafia. She had power, which I could feel. Whether it was the ability for her to have her way with me or simply killing people, and I mean anyone.

"What? Can't you believe your leader is a punk?" I scoffed.

"Where the Fuck is she?"

"I already told you in the restaurant." I smirked.

"I fucking mean, where is she staying?"

"I don't know."

I heard a knife being taken out, and before I knew it, the blade was licking my face. My sneer intensified. It would have been easy to just tell them where she was, but I am aware of Kyle's cruel nature. Isami is not as good at sneak attacks as he is, and anybody might fall victim to one, even her. Why should I worry if they sneak up on her and tear her skin off her body? She earned it.

"She knows something." Kyle's hand proceeded to spread all over my body, and at this point, he was simply shamelessly groping my body while his slimy tongue glided across my face.

"You're disgusting, you pig." I snarled, feeling horrible for comparing him to a pig. He was more than just a pig.

"You let that bitch touch you, and you seemed to like it." As he talked, his beard turned my skin an inflamable crimson. He has to get rid of it; it was probably tough enough to clean the grime off a pot.

"Because she smells nice. She brushes her fucking tongue." I bite back, remembering how soft her tongue felt when exploring my mouth.

I hope I could get it down my throat again. How I wish to have her hands on me—but she was a bad person.

"You're a slut, you know." The knife pushes further, but not to draw blood. He giggled like a bitch, while his companions behind him laughed uncontrollably. His hands slid inside my pockets. My eyes widened as he came into touch with the crispy bit of paper. I could hear it crunching in his hands as he drew it from my pocket.

"Give that back, you shitface." I bleated as I anxiously reached for the paper.

He pushed it towards one of his companions before regaining control and throwing me back into the door, knocking the wind out of me.

"Read it!" He spat on my face. I fight against him.

"Room 460. 65 Crystal View, Hamilton Hotel. Ah, I'm not sure what's below it." His friend said.

"We don't need what is below it. We only need the hotel and room number. Thank you, Charlie." He said, thrusting his slimy tongue into my mouth, and my body felt as if it was about to melt away from my flesh as his hot stench breath filled my mouth.

He backed away after his tongue had practically assaulted—violated—corrupted—and destroyed every part of my mouth. "Stay away from her." I warned. The warning was not just me protecting her, but also him and the rest of his crew. "You people have no idea who you're dealing with."

"Aww, are you frightened we'll hurt your little girlfriend?"

"She is not my girlfriend. She has power, and she isn't afraid to use it. If anything happens to you, Mommy and Daddy won't be able to help you as they always do." Kyle Hummock has been in and out of jail, and as anybody might anticipate, his parents have always gotten him out.

"We'll just give her a lesson. Let her know that she cannot just roam around our community as if she owns it."

Believe me, I wanted to give her a lesson, but there are certain people in life I wouldn't mess with, and she was at the forefront of the list.

"Please." I grabbed him and begged with my eyes. He pulled his arm away. "I'm begging you. Please, Kyle.

"You're simply trying to protect her. Did she offer you money, huh?" He licked his lips frantically, his eyes glaring. "She fucked you! Didn't she and you like it? So you become her little cock sucking groupie, protecting her. Is that it? No?"

"No, it is not. I made a mistake. If you stay, we can be together." I said. I saw how she was. She doesn't have mercy.

"She kill—" I flinched, hearing several bursts of gunfire.

"We're going to get rid of her. Boys, let's go!" He said, pulling away from me and hurling the paper at my face. I sighed as I walked into my room. And as I stepped towards the balcony window, a brilliant orange light illuminated my face as the heavy, ugly curtain moved.

"No." I muttered in desperation before banging my fist against the window. The entire restaurant was in fire. Nothing could be spared. Everything was gone. Mr. Milestone. The eatery. My ambitions and fantasies of getting out of this filthy place.

A tear slipped out of my eyes. As the fire roars in front of my eyes. "Worst day ever."

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