Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Charlotte POV

"I think I am about to vomit." I remarked this once when the car came to a halt and I noticed my parents' house was right in front of me. When I could face my wonderful, caring mother and (too self-centered to care) sister. I could not face my father. His gaze alone will cause me to collapse onto the floor. I hold her arms strongly.

"My father can be rude and not very understanding."

"Don't worry, little flower, when I bring the pistol to his head, he will be the reverse of that." She applied a gentle brush to the side of my lips. One of her guys unlocked my side of the door, and I went out.

I grinned as I looked across the neighborhood, which was formerly full with youngsters riding bicycles and playing. Everything has changed, and every kid was most likely glued to their phone or television.

I wasn't going to miss anything about this town—I wanted to go too soon to miss it, and even if I did, it wouldn't be now. After a time, I noticed a hand with tattoos reaching out to me. As I clasp her hands in mine, a smile spreads across my face. She drew me to my chest. "I want you to know that I won't hurt you. I'll never do it. If I hurt you, I'll cut my stomach out."

I gave a drooling laugh, but as I looked up at her, I saw that she was serious. What exactly was wrong with her? "You're going to hurt me." I whispered. They always swear they're not going to hurt you. But a few months later, they did just that.

"Well, I'll be dead, and you may go on with your life." Her face widens with a grin. She was so hot. She placed one hand into her pocket and pulled out a red box, and I immediately knew what it was. I attempted to get out of her arms.

"My answer is no!" I exclaimed, on the edge of tears. She laughed, but I could hear the pain below it.

"This isn't a true engagement. But I consider you my wife. That's the ring. We sell them a tale, and they buy it. The ring is to ensure they buy it."

She unwrapped the ring, and I gasped. I was a girl who adored pricey diamonds; if I could afford them, my fingers, neck, and wrist would be adorned with them. She didn't need to remove the diamond ring since I had already reached for the box, removed it, and slipped it onto my finger. "So adorable." My eyes gleamed as I stared at it.

"Do you like it?"


"Well, when I formally marry you, I'd like to give you a bigger one."

"You got larger ones." I bleated. "Still no."

"We'll see." She muttered darkly and then brushed her lips to mine.

"The answer is no." I muttered back, my lips moving smoothly on hers.

"We will."

"Will not."



Our conversation lasted another two minutes until she grabbed my neck and sucked on my lips possessively. "We shall, little flower. You will have my kid, and we will be a family."

"I'm just a typical waitress girl; what's so interesting about me?"


"Do not mention personality." My shoulders raise as I grin completely.

"You have a great smile, a lovely smell, and..." Her voice lamented, she grabbed my ass and pushed her hips into me, and I could feel her stiff cock.

Her lips trailed and nipped as they reached beneath my neck, and she braced me against the back of the car. I closed my eyes and focused all of my attention on not moaning at her teasing. "You have a tight pussy, and I want to eat, sleep, and fuck all day in it." She began smooching my neck, taking care to gently brush over my sensitive area. I lied, vulnerable to her and the car.

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