Chapter 3

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*Ghost's POV*

I silently lean against the outside wall of the bar, wishing I didn't have to be here. Even though we just got back to America, the others insisted we go out for drinks. It's become ritual to these guys to go out drinking after a successful mission, and I am always forced to tag along. The bourbon is good, but the social scene isn't to my liking.

And to make things worse, Laswell's daughter is tagging along, mostly because Price offered and Soap insisted. Laswell went back to wherever she came from, leaving her daughter 'in our care' as Price put it. I'm not fond of babysitting.

The air is cool as we wait for her to arrive. People send me off glances as they walk by, but I've become accustomed to not paying attention. The others are in more casual clothing, and while I'm not in full tac, my mask and other gear I don't like parting with is separating me from the others.

Finally, a car pulls up, and out steps the young women. My eyes glue to her as she exits the vehicle and approaches, greeting Price with a kiss on the cheek, then greeting the others with a smile you couldn't ignore.

She's wearing a bright red cocktail dress, which becomes looser as it falls down her long legs. The fabric hugs her body just right, her loose hair only adding to the image. I feel my jaw tense involuntary as I watch her, arm looped around Soap's as they come closer.

Her eyes lock onto mine, but I don't look away, enjoying the feeling I know she gets as she stares back at me. She fights the urge to squirm under my gaze, trying her best to seem confident and strong. I pull the door beside me open, eyes following her as she walks in behind the others.

They all head towards the bar, grabbing barstools to sit on and ordering drinks. I sit on the end, Soap to my left, and wait for the bartender. "Bourbon," I state as she turns my way. She only nods in response, heading off to get the drinks. 

The neon lights swirl around the building, loud music deafening in my ears. And yet, I still manage to hear every word of the conversation the others are engaging in. "How long have you been in this line of work?" Gaz questions Brooklyn.

My drink is placed infront of me, along with the others, and I stare down into it, glancing over occasionally at the others. "Right when I turned 18, I started my climb to where I am now," she says happily. "I met Price early on, despite my mother trying to keep me a secret," she jokes, nudging the captain lightly with her arm.

I pull up the bottom portion of my mask briefly, downing the drink and replacing it once more. "She was a reckless thing at that age," he counters with a scoff. I turn and watch her roll her eyes, the light illuminating her face in a way I can't describe.

"Still am, Captain," she says with a half smile, downing the drink in front of her, asking for another. I motion for another as well, keeping ears on the conversation. They continue talking, joking, and learning more about the girl for a while, two rounds of drinks going by.

I don't join in, but I don't miss a single word either. I watch her eyes occasionally dart towards me, but her confidence with the others doesn't waver. I turn as she suddenly pushes herself up, telling the others she 'loves this song' and 'wants to dance'.

I don't watch her leave, only hearing her footsteps retreat across the wooden floor. Giggling is what finally makes me turn, spinning on my stool and resting my back against the bar.

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