Chapter 14

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Same warning as last chapter.

*Ghosts POV*

Four men file into the room this time, the door closing behind them. I'm guessing it's been slightly over a day, due to the fatigue and dehydration I'm feeling.

Brooke is staring down at the floor, her form seeming to have gotten smaller since we've been here. Nikolai says something in Russian, causing one of his men to speak up.

"Do you know Russian?" I look up towards him, eyes hard and jaw locked in place. He hums, "I don't believe you do. I am here to translate for you. Mr. Andreev does not believe your friend will be doing much talking today."

I narrow my eyes, darting back to Brooke as the other two untie her, dragging her over to a small wooden post, running from the ceiling to the floor. They secure her hands in front of her around the post, keeping her on her knees. She keeps her head ducked, not saying a word.

"What are you doing," I growl, looking back up at the man who was speaking to me before. He smirks, "Mr. Andreev's does not appreciate your silence, and would like answers to his questions."

"We don't know the answers to your questions," I remark harshly. He raises an eyebrow, saying something in Russian. Nikolai snaps back, and soon the man is translating for me.

"He says you do, because he saw the recording of you finding his father, killing him, then leaving. The building was covered in cameras."

Nikolai speaks again, the man translating a moment later. "He's done his research on you and Ms. Laswell. He knows you were sent to kill him. He wishes to know who you work for."

I don't respond, Nikolai saying something once more in Russian. Brooke looks up quickly at the words. One of the men leave, returning a minute later with a metal rod in hand, the end glowing orange-red. One man steps forwards, ripping the fabric covering her back.

My mind is scrambling for what to say, as the rod is handed to Nikolai. "If you've studied us, you know who we work for," I counter, glancing back and forth between the man and Nikolai, the rod twirling slowly between his fingers.

He relays my response to Nikolai, who laughs, bringing the glowing end of the rod to Brooke's bare skin, sliding it gently across. She screams and tries to pull away, not having anywhere to go.

"Stop!" I demand, but nobody is listening. "We do know who you work for," the man speaks up as Brooke's screaming dies down, the rod removed from her skin.

She's whimpering against the post, but I can't see her face as she hides it in her arms. "Why did they send you after us."

I glare up at him. Too many questions. Nikolai scoffs, glaring at me then returning the rod to her back, creating a new mark.

"Okay, okay!" I yell, internal conflict taking over my body. He stops, turning to face me. "Intel told us you're planning to plant bombs around America's capital. We've been tasked with making sure it doesn't happen."

I look back towards Brooke, her body shaking against the post. Nikolai hands the rod back to the man beside him, saying something else in Russian.

Another man nods, walking towards Brooke and cutting her loose, her body falling to the floor. He walks away, coming towards me.

"Mr. Andreev appreciates your cooperation, don't make him regret this."

I'm cut free, but I stay frozen in the seat. The men file out, and I immediately jump up and head to Brooke. "Hey," I say softly, grabbing her shoulder. Her face is tear stained, and she lifts her head at my voice.

She pushes herself up on her arms, and I move to help support her. Her dress is slowly sliding down her arms, the back not helping to keep it on anymore. "Here," I pull my arms away, pulling my own shift over my head.

She slowly takes it, hands shaking, then just holds it, like she isn't processing anything. I take a shaking breath, feeling myself slowly crumble inside at her state.

I slowly slide the destroyed fabric off of her, sliding my shirt on a moment later. She yelps as the fabric falls over her back, pulling her body quickly away from me.

"Brooke," I comfort softly, placing a hand on her knee. Her lip quivers as she comes back towards me, slowly lowering her head into my lap. I sigh, shifting to lean again the wall, hissing from my own wounds.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, gently rubbing her hair. She doesn't respond, just stays where she is. My mind races on what we should do. I could try and take them all, but they'd just use her against me, and I wouldn't be able to win that.

If it were just me, I could. I groan as I lean my head back, coming to terms that this is a waiting game.

My eyes snap open to the door opening across the room. I glare at the man that enters, Brooke's head moving slightly in my lap as she faces him as well.

He scoffs to himself, setting down two bowls, and walking out. As the door closes, I push myself up, walking over to them. I crouch to inspect them, finding one with what looks to be water and one that looks to be some type of food.

I smell the liquid first, taking a small sip to see if it's potentially poisoned. After deciding it seems good, I do the same with the 'food', which doesn't taste great but doesn't taste like poison.

I bring both bowls to Brooke, setting them and kneeling in front of her. She stares down at both, shaking her head. "You need to eat, you're dehydrated and starving."

She looks up at me, her eyes showing how truly broken she is. "It looks gross," she jokes, a small, broken smile coming to her lips. I huff in response, and she starts eating.

I take a few bites as well, and soon we are both settling back down. "Let me see your back," I ask. She sighs and turns away from me, and I slowly pull up the fabric. Her skin is not happy, the wounds blistering and trying desperately to scab and heal. They, luckily, aren't deep, but it's no joke getting burnt like that.

I lower the fabric, gently pulling her back towards me. She leans into my side, her body relaxing slightly against mine. "We need to get out of here," she mumbles.

I don't respond, just hold her. And soon, her breathing is even, indicating she's asleep. I stare at the door, wondering what the hell is going to happen the next time they come back.

After what feels like forever, but was more realistic a day or so, the door opens. I don't make any type of move on them, not wanting to make things worse. Instead, I stand, taking a couple steps forward to stand ahead of Brooke, and study them.

It's four men again, but no Nikolai. They stay standing close to the door. "Step aside," the translator states. I narrow my eyes, not moving.

The other three raise guns, earning a glare in return. They stalk forward slowly, and I study their every move. Finally, one steps too close, and I grab the barrel of his gun, moving it and pulling him towards me. Yelling abruptly in the room, as I twist is body, arm breaking under my grip.

He yelps, and I push him towards his friend, gaining a second to go after him. I punch him square in the face, blocking the sloppy punch he throws towards me, then knock him to his feet.

I turn for the third, stopping as I see his gun trained on Brooke. The other two slowly push themselves up, keeping a safe distance from me.

"Leave her alone," I growl. The man glances quickly between me and the translator, gun still raised. The translator says something in Russian, the other two heading towards Brooke.

I take a threatening step towards them, causing them both to flinch back. "Either she comes with us, or she dies."

I stare at them a moment, contemplating my options, before giving in and stepping to the side. "Where are you taking her." Nobody responds, pulling her to her feet and towards the door, her face scared as she glances back towards me. "Hey!" I call after them, earning a closed door as response.

I frown, turning and kicking the empty bowl from early, angry I couldn't do more.

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