*Chapter 11*

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Warning- this chapter contains mature scenes

*Ghost's POV*

I turn off the remaining lights in the safe house, before joining Brooke in our shared room. As I turn into the doorway, my eyes land on her sleeping form, blankets pulled to her chin as she lays on her side.

I stare at her a moment, a small grin on my lips as her form rises and falls with her breathing. I quietly shut the door behind me, quickly changing into sweatpants for the night.

She remains asleep, and I glance between the chair and the bed. It's clear she left room on purpose, and I don't see her waking up before me. I sigh as I give in, even though I know I shouldn't be.

I gently settle onto the other half of the bed, the mattress sinking under my weight. I pull the blanket over my legs, gently leaning over her and flicking off the lamp.

Darkness engulfs the room, not much moonlight coming in the window. I pull my mask off, laying back on my pillow and resting it on my chest. I sigh, glancing towards where I know she is, before looking back up at the ceiling, my eyes slowly closing.

Movement beside me wakes me, the sun just beginning to rise. The clock reads 4:30. I glance towards the movement, Brooke rolling over and getting comfy, her eyes never opening. Once she settles, I relax, deciding it's best to put my mask back on, just incase.

I sleep a while long, crawling out of the bed at 6:00. I get washed up and changed, then head to the main area of the house. I pass time doing a variety of things, consisting of flipping through the T.V., standing on the porch, making myself some breakfast and drinking coffee. Gaz and Soap join me a little after 7, Brooke staying asleep until just shy of 9.

"Good morning," she greets with a yawn. I pour her some coffee, sliding the cup over the counter towards her. She grins, thanking me then taking a sip. We all share some light conversation, Brooke soon disappearing to shower.

The day goes slow, all of us wasting time in the house. I keep my gaze on Brooke most of the day, not really able to help myself at this point.

"I'm bored," Brooke complains, slumped on the couch staring blankly at the show on the T.V. I roll my eyes, and she glances towards me. "Can we spar?" Her eyes are pleading as she glances up at me beside her.

I cave after a moment, mumbling 'fine' under my breath. She clearly hears it, and waste no time jumping up and going to grab her shoes. She's clearly excited, because she drops mine at my feet, the heads to the door.

*Brooklyn's POV*

I raise my arms, staring at the large man ahead of me. The sun is high in the sky, a soft breeze in the air. It's just past 3 in the afternoon, and I've been bored out of my mind all day.

I jab out towards Ghost, him moving away quickly and retaliating. I manage to avoid his blow, but his speed still blows my mind. A man his size should not be practically faster than me.

I jab out again, his hand grabbing my wrist and twisting. "Ah!" I yelp, my body twisting to ease the pain. Big mistake. He kicks my legs out from under me, and I'm left winded in the grass.

"What the hell," I mumble. "You're going out alone tomorrow, you need to be prepared." He states, already ready to go again. "I'm not suppose to be coming into contact with anyone," I defend.

"Anything can happen, now get ready." I sigh and do as he says, only to be thrown to the ground again a moment later. After about three more throws, I finally get the hang of his movements.

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