Chapter 8

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*Brooklyn's POV*

My eyes flutter open, the bright lights above me causing me to squint. I raise an arm to block the light, gasping at the instant pain shooting through my side.

My mind soon catches up, reminding me of everything that happened. The mission. "Hey," A voice says beside me, soothing and comforting.

I turn, eyes adjusting to the light, and take in the figure next to me. "Hey," I reply, voice raspy.

Milo smiles towards me, turning and grabbing me some water. "Thanks," I tell him, taking a small sip. "Do you remember what happened?" He asks me as I hand the cup back.

I nod, reliving the mission in my head, "where's Ghost?" I ask, feeling frantic as I remember him getting shot. Milo smiles slightly, "I'm not sure, he asked me to stay with you a little bit ago."

"Asked?" I question, the panic melting away as I laughing slightly, until the pain stops me. "Yeah, I stay whenever he can't."

I raise an eyebrow, "oh, you're serious?" Seems out of character for the big, scary soldier.

"Brooke, he's been here every day since you got here. He's been sleeping in here, hardly leaves." The shock spreads over me at his words, wondering if I heard him right.

"We are talking about the same person, right?" I question. Milo rolls his eyes, "yes, care to tell me what's going on between you guys?"

I scoff, "as far as I know, nothing." He gives me a questioning look, shaking his head as he sees I'm serious. "How long was I out?" He hums before responding, "4 days, you're healing nicely."

"Four days!?" I exclaim, sitting up slightly. "Hey hey, relax." He soothes, resting a hand on my shoulder to get me to lay back again. "Did another group find Nikolai?"

He shakes his head, "as far as I heard, the whole thing was a set up. The target wasn't at any of the locations. Both teams were attacked, luckily everyone made it out okay."

I sigh in relief upon hearing everyone is fine, but still upset to learn we got fake intel. "Everyone came to visit you, but it seems nobody dares to come when Ghost is standing guard."

I laugh, "standing guard?" He laughs at well, "that's what it looks like!" He defends. "You're awake!" A voice exclaims from the doorway, pulling my gaze to land on a lady, a nurse.

I smile kindly at her as she approaches, "how do you feel?"

"Groggy, a little painful when I move," I tell her honestly. "We've been giving pain medications through injections, but oral ones should help more," she informs, heading to grab some pills, and placing them in my hand. I take them with my water, thanking her.

"We'll need you up and moving at some point today, get you walking again." I nod in understanding. "You're to be on bed rest for at least another week, but I'm assuming longer. No physical activity, and no missions."

I acknowledge her, her smiling and heading to a different spot in the room, grabbing a chart and writing things down. "Hey, I'm back if you-"

The voice cuts off as my eyes meet his. He's frozen in place, staring back with wide eyes. "Hey there," I greet with a grin. He clears his throat, straightening his back, "how do you feel?" He asks, taking a step closer, then stopping again.

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