Chapter 9

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*Ghost's POV*

"Fuck," I groan to myself, eyes shut as I lean again the wall, arm between my forehead and the cold tile.

The water from the shower echos in the quiet room, the tiredness evident in my arm as I finish, the satisfied pit forming in my stomach.

I stand there for a minute, my breathing becoming even before I release myself, pushing off the wall. I drag both hands through my hair, the warm water falling over me as I tilt my head up.

It's been a week since that night, the night where I entered her room against my best judgement. Her finger tips teased my skin as she traced the bruises. A week, and my body is desperate for more.

I'm desperate for more.

I know why, why I entered the room, why I'm craving her.

Because the idea of being her first is consuming. It plagues my thoughts. The images of her trapped beneath me, nails dug into my skin as I take the last bit of innocence, her screams as I-


My body is already reacting to the thoughts, and I curse myself for it. I force my mind to blank as I finish washing up, getting dressed and heading to grab food.

As I enter the main room, my eyes immediately land on Brooke, who's standing behind Soap at the table, arms crossed on his shoulder and she leans over him.

The group's voices and laughter fills the air, her gaze catching mine a moment later. Soap glances up towards her, pulling her from me. His eyes hold a playful glint as he speaks, though I can't hear what he's saying.

I clench my fist, adverting my gaze and grabbing food to bring to my room. I hate the way they look at her, all of them. The light touches and contact spread between them all makes my skin crawl.

I push the feelings down, spotting Price approaching. "Oh good, just who I was looking for," he says as he looks up and spots me.

"Sir," I greet, and he motions for me to follow, heading towards his office. I walk behind him, closing the door behind me as he heads to his desk.

"We've gotten some more intel, seems legitimate this time," he says, half joking. I narrow my eyes slightly, not taking it as a joke, considering Brooke could have died.

"Right, so here is what we got," he says, turning his laptop to face me. I study the screen, reading the information. "Hm," is all I can say, pulling away from the screen. "So what's the plan."

"We have a safe house in this area, a cabin. Plan is as follows." He turns to the board behind him, grabbing a marker to write. Well, more like draw.

"We're moving you guys out to the safe house tomorrow morning, it's already loading with supplies you guys will need."

"Who's 'you guys'," I interrupt. "You, Gaz, Soap, and Brooke. Alex is still stationed with Farrah." I nod, and he continues explaining the plan. "The night of the party, which is two days after you guys arrive, Brooke will go in, undercover, as a common guest."

"No," I interrupt again. He cocks an eyebrow towards me, but my gaze is firm.

"This is not up for debate. It is her job," he states firmly. I clench my jaw and hold my tongue. "If Nikolai is here, as we think he will be, she will confirm target, and you three will go in. Take him out, and get out. We assume there will be some of his men as guards, do what you must to complete the mission."

I nod shortly, still completely opposed and angry with the idea. "Great, send the others in here, so
I can tell them."

I turn quickly, heading back to the main room, where they are all still sitting. I approach the table, gaining their eyes. "Hey LT!" Soap greets happily. "Price needs you, all of you," I state, trying to contain the angry of the situation from creeping in.

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