Chapter 19

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*Ghost's POV*

I stare at my computer screen, the email that's been there for over a week staring back.

Hey, it's Brooke, how have you been?

I refuse to open it, knowing I won't be able to stop myself from replying. She deserves better. My hope is she'll lose interest, not want to come back, and we can forget everything that happened. Well, she can forget.

I, however, can't seem to forget anything, and it is eating me alive. I've asked Price several times to send me out, let me do something or get some intel. But each time he tells me there is nothing. So I'm stuck on this base alone, walking past her empty room every day.

A knock at the door pulls my thought away, in walking a soldier I don't recognize. "Lieutenant," he greets formally. "Yes?"

"Captain Price wishes to see you in his office."
I wave him off, and he quickly goes back the way he came. I sigh, pushing myself up and shutting the laptop, then heading down the hall.

I soon step into Prices office, getting caught slightly off guard as I spot someone standing beside him. She smiles gently as I enter, to which I narrow my eyes, and turn to look at Price instead.

"Ghost, this is Adeline." I give her a nod to satisfy him, turning my attention back to him quickly. She doesn't say anything, just stands quietly beside him. She's dressed in light tactical gear, and I'm praying she isn't joining the team.

"She's a soldier, and also decrypts intel for the British Forces." I don't say anything, don't react, unsure where this is going. "Laswell is tied up in some other work, so Adeline is willing to help us recover and review intel on Nikolai for the time being."

"And what's this have to do with me?"

I can see the shock flood over the girls face, but I stay staring a Price, who doesn't react to my snarky comment. "You're the one who has been demanding a mission off base, she is your ticket there."

I scoff, "respectfully, I don't need a babysitter, and I don't need anyone to babysit."

She furrows her brows, deciding now to speak up, "I hardly need babysitting." I glare towards her, and she doesn't say another word. Price ignores it and starts listing off the mission objective and location. A safe house we located that Nikolai frequented, which is presumed to have some intel on other locations he may be at.

"I can head out tomorrow," I respond. Price sighs, turning to Adeline. "Could you give us a moment?" She nods, smiling softly towards him, then walks towards the door. I catch her eyes as she passes, a look of satisfaction in her gaze.

The door closes behind me, Price rubbing a hand through his hair. "Look, I know it's been.. different, these past two weeks, and you're looking for some sort of escape."

"I'm fine, sir," I say nonchalantly. He tilts his head, studying me. "I don't know what happened between you and Brooke, but I need to know I still have you, Lieutenant."

"Nothing happened with Brooklyn and I, and I am focused on getting the job done," I remark, failing to hide the annoyance in my voice. She is the last person I wish to talk about.

He just nods, changing the subject. "Adeline will accompany you to the safe house. Please, try and be nice?"

I just give a curt nod in response, having no plans on 'being nice'. I turn and leave the room, passing the girl as she leans against the wall. She pushes off and walks behind me as I go back to my office, light steps echoing behind mine.

I ignore it, heading all the way to my office and sitting in my chair, reopening my laptop. She stands in the doorway, trying to seem unbothered, but I can feel her awkwardness.

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