Chapter 20

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*Brooklyn's POV*

I listen as Price goes over everything new, trying to keep up and stay focused. Nothing major has happened, just small bits and pieces.

He tells me how Ghost and Adeline went to recover some intel, but came back empty handed, and how Alex hasn't been able to send us anything yet.

Adeline, I'm so tired of hearing her name. I've hardly met her, and she's already causing me a world of pain.

"Brooke?" I glance up at my name, breaking my thoughts. "Sorry," I mumble. Kylo whines from beside me, and I glance down into his big, worried puppy eyes.

Price sighs, "have you spoken to Ghost?" I shrug, "I guess you could say I have. Hardly felt like it."

His face turns to one of confusion, "really?" I just nod, and he seems to get lost in thought. "Well, do you have any questions for me?"

I shake my head, it was simple enough to pick up on everything that's happened. "Well, I'm here if you need, for anything."

I thank him, and head back out into the hallway. Milo is waiting for me, smiling as he sees me. "Finally! You hungry? I'm hungry."

I laugh and let him lead the way to food. We grab trays and head to the lounge to sit. It's empty, as we each take a couch and turn on the TV. Kylo settles under my legs, head resting on his paws as a big sigh escapes him.

Milo puts on a random show as we eat, occasionally 'sneaking' Kylo a piece of meat. As we finish up, footsteps enter the room. "Hey!" I turn to see Gaz and Soap with food of their own. We greet them and they sit beside us, Soap with me and Gaz with Milo.

"So, how's your first day back?" I smile, "going great, Price let me know everything new."

We all chat a bit, get caught up from the past month, and I overall enjoy seeing them again. Laughing down the hall makes me turn my head, and soon Adeline and Ghost are turning the corner.

The room seems to go quiet, but in reality it's just me blocking out everything, my eyes meeting his. Adeline turns and spots us all, and her laugh dies down.

"Let's go," she whispers to him, turning to leave. "No let's stay," he replies, his tone causing me to narrow my eyes. They head to the open couch and flop down, and he leans back into the cushions. I watch as she adjust her body, leaning slightly on his arm as she settles in.

"Hey LT, glad you could join us." Soap says happily. Kylo sits up, positioning himself between my legs, and occasionally throwing his head straight up to look at me. I rub his head, grabbing every ounce of comfort it brings me.

"Hey, let's celebrate your return!" Soap exclaims, jumping up to grab some booze and glasses. I scoff playfully, "if you want an excuse to drink then say that."

He laughs, handing Ghost his bourbon and then pouring the rest of us whatever else is grabbed. Everyone gains a cup, and I can see conversation about to start back up, when Adeline speaks up.

"So, what made you leave."

The question seems hostile, taunting, but her face is holding an innocent look. "Personal things." I say shortly. She scoffs rudely, "so you get to come and go as you please? And what, no rules on pets for you?"

Soap goes to defend me, but I place a hand in his knee, silencing him. I watch Ghost's eyes dart down to my hand, which only makes me that much more angry.

"I left because I was taken, tortured. I had a lot of shit going on in my head that I needed to figure out. As for Kylo, he helps with those things. Not that any of this was your business. You're not even part of the team."

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