Chapter 7

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*Ghost's POV*

The gunshots ring in my ears as I shoot the attacker. He's already dead, but the rage in me won't let me stop until the mag is finished.

The gun clicks, snapping me out of my anger, and I quickly turn to Brooke. She laid back on the floor, blood starting to pool by her side, her skin visible, and red, through the destroyed fabric.

I crouch beside her, eyes darting between her wound and her face. She's breathing heavy, eyes starting to gloss over from blood loss. "G-Ghost," she stutters, staring straight into my eyes.

"You're okay, you'll be fine," I soothe, keeping myself and her calm. I hover my hands over her wound, before pushing down, in an attempt to stop the bleeding. She cries out, throwing her head back and her eyes squeeze shut.

"Fuck," I mumble to myself, the blood seeping through my fingers, showing no signs of slowing. "I need fucking evac!" I yell into the comm, slowly starting to panic.

She can't die. She just can't.

"Base to squad two, repeat your last?"

"I need fucking exfil, I've got a soldier down!" I yell back, getting angry in an attempt to hide the panic. "Evac heading to your location."

"We've got to move, okay?"

She doesn't answer, groans of pain leaving her. I remove my hands from her side, scooping her up bridal style. She cries out as I move her. One hand gripping my unwounded shoulder to try and help with the pain. "I'm sorry," I mumble, walking quickly to the stairs, pushing the door open with my body.

Her head rest against my chest, labored breaths coming from her. I reach the first floor, exiting out the nearest door. I jog towards the road, spotting the heli in the distance. It lowers down, and I step in, settling her on the floor infront of me.

"Brooke," I shake her as I speak, but get no response. My gear is covered in blood, her blood. I apply more pressure to her wound, which only confirms she's passed out when she doesn't react.

Someone kneels in front of me, reaching out to her. "I've got it," I snap, and he backs off quickly. I don't let my eyes leave her, watching her, applying pressure as we fly through the air.

This is all my fault.

I wasn't tough enough on her during training, going easier than I should have to avoid hurting her. Seeing the bruises from the sparring always made me mad at myself, but now I prefer them over this.

Then I go and get injured, leaving her to take the lead. How stupid of me.

Her skin is growing pale beneath me, my hands feel sticky from the blood that has seeped into my gloves. "Don't fuckin' die," I whisper- begging- her to live.

It would be my luck, to lose the one that has wormed her way into my mind, day and night. I wouldn't forgive myself.

I snap out of thought as the side door slides open, the base just ahead of me. I scoop her up again, walking quickly to where the medic is. "Brooke? Brooke!" A voice yells out to my left.

I turn, just for a second, to see who it is, only to spot Rook. I turn back in front of me, not wanting to fight how much I dislike him right now.

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