02 | The Fire Nation

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"Come Lu Ten, give it back." Daiyu had her arms above her head, reaching for the Deerhorse that he had given her. She jumped up and down, but she was still unable to reach the stuffed animal that he held over her head. "C'mon, this isn't fun anymore." He continued snickering, moving it tauntingly side to side and even dared to dip it towards her just to outstretch his arm incredibly high. "Lu Ten!" The girl huffed, one foot stomping the ground. If she had been any angrier, she could've earthbend her frustration. Iroh wasn't there, but he was with the other soldiers. He had already told Lu Ten about his plan of him joining the front lines so they could fight the Ba Sing Se army head on. Lu Ten was well prepared for this type of action, but first he thought he would spend more time with his little sister. Finally, he had done enough aggravating her and gave her back the Deerhorse than she had held tightly to her chest. Her lips were in the form of her pout, her eyes glaring daggers at him. "It wasn't that bad." Lu Ten waved his hand.

"Yes it was!" His adopted sibling argued back. "You can be such a meanie sometimes." She looked down at her stuffed animal, checking if he was fine. "I pre-warned you that older brothers are annoying, didn't I?" His voice was sing-song as he said that, the dark-haired girl's eyes lowering as she tried to remember and then realizing he did say those exact words. "I didn't know they were this annoying." She put it flatly, he laughed at her reaction as if she regretted the day that she had acknowledged him as her brother. "When is Iroh coming back? He's been busy lately." Daiyu expressed her worry. "Well, we're in a very serious stage of this battle and we cannot afford any mistakes. So dad is doing the best he can to make sure that everything goes right." Lu Ten had explained to her as she watched him walk towards the fireplace, grabbing the teapot's handle and pouring himself a cup of tea. "

Daiyu had sat at the low table, looking at the Deerhorse with question. "How come you never named him?" Lu Ten had asked as the young girl had looked up as he placed one cup near her and kept his on the other side of the table as he went to place the kettle back. "I don't know. I never thought he needed a name." Shrugging her shoulders, she continued to pet the stuff animal. "What should I name him, Lu Ten?" She asked as her eyes were now on her steaming, hot cup of tea. She pulled the teaplate closer and then placed her stuffed animal beside her and picked up the cup carefully and daintily. She raised the cup to her lips and then took a sip and coughed. "Lu Ten, why is it so bitter?" She winced slightly, her tongue sticking out. Lu Ten then sat down and picked up his cup, taking a sip to see what she was talking about. He ended up coughing himself, hitting his fist against his chest as he choked a little bit. "I don't even know why I try. It never tastes like Dad's." Daiyu laughed as he chuckled a little himself before placing the cup back on the teaplate.

"So, once this war is over. You'll be coming with us to the Fire Nation." Lu Ten then brought up, Daiyu looking at him with curiosity and somewhat excitement. "It's really a beautiful place." Lu Ten had added, "The festivals there are so fun and lively. And the entertainment, the shades of red, and everything." He bragged about the foreign place she had never been to before. All she could really recall was the things he and Iroh had said about the place, the books she read, and what the people had said in Ba Sing Se. She wasn't sure if she would be accepted after all she was an Earthbender and her eyes were a dead giveaway of her nationality. Did Lu Ten and Iroh ever think about that? Probably not since they would protect her. They would keep her safe. She knew they would. "I'll try my best to fit in." Daiyu managed to stay as she forced herself to drink more of Lu Ten's bitter, brewed tea.

Iroh had then entered the tent, Daiyu's eyes lighting up. She stood and ran to him and instantly, he lifted her up and pulled her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her head resting on his shoulders. "I see that I was missed." Iroh chuckled, "How are you feeling Daiyu?" Iroh asked as she pulled back so that she could look at him. "Lu Ten was telling me more about the Fire Nation and gave me really bad tea." She looked over her shoulder to see his shocked face. His bottom lip poked out in a playful pout, "It wasn't like I intentionally made it bad." He tried to explain. "It's very, very bitter." Daiyu added, Lu Ten rolling his eyes. "Really bad." She kept going, knowing it was annoying young soldier. The General had laughed at their back forth, which wasn't bickering but teasing one another. "Don't worry, Daiyu. I'll make a new batch and teach Lu Ten the secret ingredient."

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