14 | The Caged Bird Sings

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Three days had passed and Daiyu had not seen Zuko at all. She had been stuck in her room with the occasional visits of the four concubines she had met and Fire Lord Ozai two days ago. He had not said or did much, but he did warn her that tonight she would be entering his chambers. In a way, she had prepared herself that her flower would be taken from her. She had looked at her own reflection at the pond, the tips of her fingers had caused ripples in the water as she had distorted it. Finding herself unable to look at herself, questioning why she did not fight for her freedom. A part of her, angry at herself that she did not try to escape. She had told the guards that had stood in front of her doors to send Mai to come see her. Since there was nothing left for her to hope for, she thought that maybe she could still fight for Zuko's happiness. The nobleman's daughter had come to see her, her expression bearing nothing and her aura quite the same. She had stood in the middle of the garden-like room, her hands tucked in her sleeves. Daiyu had stood in front of her, a few feet away. "Mai, can you please take care of Zuko for me?" Mai's eyes bore surprise at the Earthbender's words. "And why are you asking me this?" Mai asked.

"...You and Zuko were quite close before his banishment. I can no longer look out for him. Could you please take care of him if not for me but because you care for him also?" She had asked as the girl had averted her eyes. "What makes you think I need your permission to do that?" She asked as Daiyu shook her head. "I wasn't sure what your feelings were for him anymore. I wasn't sure if you had hated him along with everyone else during his banishment." The jade-eyed girl had honestly put it, the apathetic teenager in front of her now looking back at her. "You don't know my feelings at all. You shouldn't assume." Mai replied, her voice cold and somewhat dark. Daiyu took note of it, but she would not question it. "And I apologize." She bowed slightly and then watched the girl head back towards the door, "I was going to take care of him regardless if you asked me or not. After all, I loved him first." And with that, the door had opened and closed. Daiyu's eyes had widened as she had immediately turned around. Mai had loved him? ...If that's so then she will...

Did it matter anyway? There was no way that she and Zuko could have any relationship and she wasn't even sure about his feelings anyway. Either way, Mai would be better suited. She was Fire Nation, the daughter of a nobleman, and would not let Zuko's attitude toss her around. She would be stable, she could scold him, and maybe she could go in the right direction. Zuko would be loved and taken care of and that was all she could ever hope for in the first place. The door had opened once more, her eyes seeing the servant. Her head tilted back and she had seen that it was night, which could only mean she would be going to Fire Lord Ozai's chambers. With a nod, she had walked forward and went out the door, being escorted down the hall. She could hear conversation not too far, and surprisingly enough it was Zuko's voice. "I haven't seen her in days..." She had heard him say, wondering if he was speaking of her. "Where is her room?" He questioned whomever he was speaking to. "Calm down, Prince Zuko. You know the concubine rooms are to not be visited by anyone but the Fire Lord, his servants, and other concubines.""Why can't I see her? I'm the Prince and it is not like I am going to do anything." Daiyu bit her bottom lip, withholding tears at his words. She and the servant had continued on, his voice growing farther and farther away. Upon reaching the large, scarlet doors. The door had opened and she had gone inside to the massive room, filled with many shades of gold, black, and red and expensive weapons and paintings hanging on the wall. "You're not dressed." His deep voice had broken her eyes away from the room and towards him as he was standing at a wall, inspecting one of his many swords. "Mama Susumu wasn't told that I would be coming here." She had explained, not wanting to get anyone in trouble. He had looked at her from the corner of his eyes, his long and now unbound hair shifting with his movements. "Pick something from the closet." He pointed to his right at the golden doors. Daiyu bowed and then walked over, sliding it open and closing it behind her. It was large enough to be a bedroom honestly, as it was a walk in closet. She had walked down the room to the other end, where women's clothes were hung. She had wondered if any of these items of clothing had belonged to Ursa.

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