18 | The Red Wedding

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"Aren't you excited?" Susumu had asked Daiyu, her voice dry and vexed toned. She was painting Daiyu's lips red, the jade-eyed girl now dressed in the traditional wedding hanfu. The dress was red and crimson color, the sleeves exceeding past her hands and the ends of the dress, the train running extremely long. There was a phoenix design embroidered on the dress, with flowers at the end of the sleeves and the belt thick and black as it was wrapped tightly around her waist. Daiyu's cheeks were then painted with pink power to bring out her cheek bones. Her hair was styled into a neat bun, a large crown-like had made out of pure gold on her head. "I hate to say it but you look quite beautiful." Susumu had said as the girl had looked at the woman."Doesn't it hurt?" She had asked her as Susumu had stared at her. "What?" Susumu questioned as Daiyu shook her head. "Nevermind." She had stood and walked towards the door and then looked back at Susumu, who had bowed down. "Good luck." The woman had said as Daiyu had nodded as the doors were open for her and the guards began to escort her towards the alter. She had placed her hands in the sleeves and continued to walk forward, her eyes closed.

Daiyu P.O.V.

How did things end up like this? I thought me and Zuko had finally gotten away, and that everything was going to be just fine. Perfect, actually. But Ozai always found a way to ruin my happiness, even going as far as poisoning me in Shu Jing.


"Why is it so bright...?" Daiyu questioned as she had opened her eyes. She had looked around, noticing something was strange. Why did this place look familiar? Expensive too. "So, you're awake." Daiyu had immediately looked toward the door. "Fire Lord Ozai?!" The man had walked closer to her bed, his eyes catching sight of the small boy who had held onto the young woman's hand. "You were poisoned and my top team of medics were alerted. The boy gave them your name and so I decided to take you back to the palace." She had looked at him with skeptical eyes. "I was poisoned? That doesn't make any sense.""It matters not if it is logical or not. You are safe and you are only safe here, under my care. My son kidnapped and then left you, leaving you in the mercy of the world." Daiyu had set her jaw, averting her eyes away from him. "Do you think that I would've left you in the same position?" He had asked her as she had kept her eyes away from him. None of this was Zuko's fault and she had told him to go with the Avatar, it wasn't like he was ready to up and leave. "You knew I was in Shu Jing all this time, didn't you?" He had asked him, "And you made that kind woman poison me."

The Fire Lord had remained silent for a few minutes. "You must have threatened her family, or her husband. I only felt sick after drinking that tea but at first I thought it was a summer flu or cold, but since I was poisoned... I know it was of your doing. You nearly killed me just to bring me back here because you knew no matter what, I didn't want to come back." Daiyu had said, her eyes slightly narrowed. The man simply shrugged his shoulders, "If it was a matter to return you to the place you belong then yes. You're too stubborn, so wrapped up in the childish love affair you have with my son."

"Did you really think that I wouldn't find you?" She had kept her eyes away from Ozai, "You thought you could pick up a streetrat and live with my son in Shu Jing and live like a peaceful family when you were promised of greater importance? And I would not be offended and outraged at your actions?" The young woman had looked up at him and he leaned over her, her eyes staring back at him. "I suggest you do as you're told or else you'll be more than poisoned." Daiyu narrowed her eyes, I'm not afraid of you." She had rose her arms, attempting to crush him by bending the earth from the walls but her arms had fell limp to her sides.

"Did you think that I would let you bend in my home? You are weak. The only thing left to break is your spirit." He had left the room, leaving Daiyu in there alone. How could she had not noticed that something was strange with the tea? This was all her fault. "You are mine." Ozai had said, "And mine alone." Ozai had said as Daiyu then looked at him, his back facing her. "If you attempt to run away again, I think you know it'll be more than just this boy that will be harmed." That means Iroh was in danger too. She had closed her eyes, her fist bawling up and grabbing a handful of the blanket on top o her legs. "Fine," She said through gritted teeth. Ozai had looked over his shoulder, "Fire Lord Ozai." She had lowered her eyes to the floor, "Where is Satoru?"

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