09 | Winter in Spring

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For the past couple of weeks, there was nothing but hardship. Zuko had reunited with Daiyu and Iroh during the North Pole in which Zhao had tried to destroy the moon and the city. Whatever happened to Admiral Zhao? Daiyu hadn't known but Zuko had told her that it would be the last time that they had heard from him. Iroh believe that Zhao died and Daiyu didn't believe that Zuko killed him. Whatever the case was, they had kept it unknown. Zuko had been temperamental the past couple of days, telling them that he had almost captured that Avatar but had failed due to the fact that he wasn't able to escape with him. Daiyu had tried her best to comfort him, to make sure that he didn't beat himself up over something that he couldn't control but he tended to walk off to get some space. After all they had been through since they had an understanding during the storm had seemed to broken their forged bond again. Daiyu was worried, wondering what this failure would due to Zuko since it seemed that this one seemed to anger him the most.

On their makeshift raft, they had found themselves back on land. They traveled for days and days in search for a place to rest since Iroh managed to save a little money from Zuko's ship. They had found a bathhouse which they could be able to spend at least two nights there and then travel again. Zuko seemed displeased, still sulking over his lost and so most of their journey there was a silent one. It was night when they managed to get there and Daiyu had immediately went for the hot springs. Zuko and Iroh would be sharing a room while she had one of her own. The spring water was wonderful and she could feel the minerals in the water softening in her dirty, dry skin. She could now have her hair shampooed from rich berries and fruit, no longer smelling of grass and dirt. "This is amazing..." She cooed as she lowered herself deeper in the water.

"Uncle, I told you that I don't feel like talking!" Daiyu had heard Zuko's voice, her head quickly looking behind her to the large, wooden fence that blocked the baths by gender. "But Zuko, it is troubling you." Iroh had finally said as she could hear them both entering the water. "I'm not troubled." The boy huffed stubbornly, Daiyu smiling as she could imagine his expression and movements. "Just talk about what happened with you and Zhao. It'll help." Slowly, Daiyu turned and listened in and heard Zuko sigh. "Zhao and I had met up at the bridge and got into a fight. He slipped of the edge and I grabbed his hand to stop him from falling, but... he slipped through and I couldn't save him." He immediately explained his Uncle sighing. "It is not your fault, Nephew. Do not blame yourself."

'Zuko feels like he could've tried harder? Just for the man who had almost killed him...' Daiyu thought as she placed her hand over her chest, feeling her heartbeat racing. '...He's so compassionate about life.' Her eyes then drifted to the fence, '...He really is amazing.' She thought but then shook her head. 'I need to stop thinking about him all the time, especially in the bath. That's embarrassing.' She had sighed heavily before hearing Zuko and Iroh speak once again. "You should apologize to Daiyu." Iroh had told his nephew, "She was really worried about you." A couple minutes of silence filled the air. "I know." Zuko replied coolly, "It wasn't like I didn't notice." She perked up her ears, "She's always worried about me. I always worry her." Did he really think that? Well, it was true. He did always make her worry about him. "But I think she knows that it wasn't like I pushed her away on purpose." Iroh then spoke, "It seems you both know each other a lot better than I thought you two would." Wait, what did Iroh mean by that? "Uncle, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Nothing. One does not interfere in the affairs of others." He replied, "Now, I should order some Sakurayu-" Zuko interrupted, "For Daiyu?" His uncle appeared surprised but then grinned. "How did you know that Daiyu loved Sakurayu?" Iroh asked. "Because back in the palace during spring, all Daiyu wanted to eat was Hanami Dango and drink Sakurayu. She would say, 'It's spring and so I must celebrate it to the fullest with spring viewing food.'" The girl's cheeks puffed as she heard Zuko imitating her voice which caused his uncle to laugh. 'I don't sound like that!' The Earthbender mentally huffed before standing and getting out of the hotsprings before she pruned. 'That jerk...' She thought with a smile still on her face.

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