10 | The Jade and The Dragon

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"How much longer did he think I said he needed time? He's going too far, especially with Min Ki!" Daiyu groaned as she and Iroh had walked alongside each other. "I'm really starting to worry." She had looked up at him, "After seeing the little boy treat him like that in that village, I'm not really sure if Zuko-" She was interrupted. "Zuko did learn something, quite a few things. We have to be patient." He had said they were in mountain's area, filled with rocks and trees. Daiyu sighed heavily, before feeling a shift. She quickly turned around had shoved her fist forward, breaking the rock that was rumbling towards them in small, tiny ones. Iroh looked in shock, "That's some strength." He had said as Daiyu chuckled. "Strength and Earthbending. Sifu Taolan taught me." She said confidently. "Who are you?!" A childish voice had broken through the air. Daiyu and Iroh looked around and then up ahead to see a short girl standing on a large rock.

"Travelers that were minding their own business before you tried to kill us!" Daiyu replied as the girl, appeared rather shocked. "Oh, I didn't know. It's just... I've been in some trouble so..." Daiyu smiled. "It's fine." She had said. Iroh then cleared his throat, "How about we all discuss this over some fresh, hot tea?" He asked. "That sounds kind of good." The young girl said, jumping down towards them. Iroh and Daiyu had made a campfire on a rock ledge, the teapot that Iroh had gotten from Zuko days before being used. Up close, Daiyu could tell that the girl was blind but her clothes seemed quite expensive. So why was she out here by herself? Iroh them poured the three of them a cup of tea, Daiyu had took hers and he had offered the blind child a cup, but she doesn't take it immediately. "Here is your tea. You seemed a little too young to be traveling alone." Iroh said to her. The young girl then took the cup, "You seem a little too old."

Daiyu smiled as Iroh laughed, "Perhaps I am." He then said. "I know what you're thinking. I look like I can't handle being by myself." Daiyu arched a brow, "I wasn't thinking that." Iroh replied. "You wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea." The girl noted. "It's call being polite." Daiyu had said, "He made the tea, he serves the tea. He only poured your cup to be courteous not out of pity." She said as the girl nodded and then took a sip of her cup. "People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me. But I can take care of myself by myself." Iroh then smiled, "You sound like my nephew." He had a point there. She definitely sounded like Zuko, "Always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you. Not that I love you; I just met you."

Both the child and Daiyu laughed. "So, where is your nephew?" She asked. "We've been tracking him." Daiyu answered. "I told him to go out on his own and think. He's a bit lost and he's gone through a very rough change and he doesn't know how to handle them or won't even try to interpret them. He's..." Iroh and the blind girl next to them had faced her, listening intently. "He's trying to figure out who he is, or more like I told him to figure out who he is by giving him space. I know I said for him to leave and think, but..." The girl then spoke, "But you're following him." Daiyu looked down at her tea, "Because if he needs me, well us, we'll be there. I want him to know that we'll always be there for him." The girl smiled. "He's quite lucky, even if he doesn't know it." She then stood, "Thank you for the conversation and tea." Daiyu and Iroh had looked up at her, "Our please. Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights." She shook her head, "No... The things you said. It helped me."

Iroh had looked at Daiyu, "No problem." The jade-eyed girl replied, sipping her tea. The child had picked up her bag and began to leave, but she stopped and turned to look at them. "Maybe you should tell him that you need him too." Daiyu froze as Iroh sipped his tea, the girl leaving. It's true, when did she ever tell Zuko that she needed him? Iroh had looked at Daiyu, "She has a point." The girl looked away, "I know." And with that, she stood. "Let's go." Iroh had poured water on the fire and cleaned everything up.

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