16 | Fugacious Leisure

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Daiyu had never felt so awkward than she had right now. It had only been a day since the incident and Zuko had been quiet for the longest she had ever seen. He was the one who cooked; he made them dinner and breakfast but they had went out for lunch. Neither of them had spoken, Daiyu acting like the incident didn't happen herself. Eventually the two would have to get past it because the silence was slowly killing her. "So," she finally spoke as she had looked down at her bowl of rice. "Did you have a good sleep?" She asked him as he was drinking his soup. "Mm." Daiyu frowned at his reply. "Zuko, you can't just keep ignoring me like this. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in on you. Why would I do that on purpose? I didn't know that was the bathroom." She had put her bowl of white rice down and then folded her hands in her lap, fiddling with her thumbs. "I mean... It wasn't like it was that bad." She had watched as he had placed the bowl on the table. "What do you want me to say? 'Hey, it's okay you saw me naked and you just ogled at my-'" She immediately stopped him right there. "Okay, okay."

"We can just pretend that it never happened?" He said as she had nodded, agreeing. "That's the best thing because I felt a bit sad that we weren't speaking." She said as she had stood and then sat next to him. He had turned to look at her, "Me too." He admitted as she had found herself smiling as he had took hold of her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. "Though I have to say Zuko, you are well-" He gave her a hard stare, his cheeks heated and tinted red. "Okay, I'll stop." She giggled as he looked away from her and then outside. "It's pretty nice out." He commented as she had looked out the large window in their dining room as well. "It is. Do you want to go out today?" She had asked as he had looked back at her. "Do you feel comfortable going out?" She had thought about it, her eyes looking down at the table. "It wouldn't hurt." She had said, shrugging her shoulders as she had stood. "We can't stay cooped up in the house all day. We'll go crazy." She grinned as he had slowly smiled. "Don't you seem lively?"

"Someone has to be out of the two of us." She stuck her tongue and turned away as he had picked up the empty dishes and brought them over to the sink. Yesterday, without her even saying a word, she had cleaned them and so he took the liberty of doing it today. She had came back downstairs with a change of clothes. She wore burgundy loose pants with a long, thin skirt over it and a red halter top with a red and gold collar-like necklace with red boots to match. Her hair was boundless with her usual fringe as she had walked over to him, her arms behind her as she slightly leaned forward. "Put your shoes on and let's go!" Her voice sounded dulcet which made Zuko look at her curiously. Did the Palace and his father really dampen her mood? He felt like he was seeing a twelve-year-old Daiyu all over again. The usually calm and mysterious Daiyu seemed so far. The playful and mischievous yet sweet and teasing girl he knew seemed to be back.

He didn't know whether to be glad or guilty that she could not bare to show this side of her for him. He had nodded and placed the now clean dishes in the cabinet and then walked to the shoerack, placing on his black boots. Daiyu's hand had grabbed his own, interlocking her fingers with his. He had turned back to look at her, her eyes glinting with a sense of happiness. He looked away and turned to open the door as they had exited out of their new home. They had slowly stopped at Min Ki, Zuko rubbing the feline fauna's back and Daiyu's rubbing atop of his head between his antlers. Min Ki was pleased with the affection but in a way knew that they were leaving for a while. They had waved and walked away, the small town as busy as ever. "What a cute couple." An elderly woman had said, which had caused them both to stop in front of the woman who spoke. She had long, grayish hair that was pulled in a neat braid and lines of age. She had to be close to her seventies, but she looked well for her age. Her skin was of bronze and her eyes a bright yellow. "You two remind me of me and my husband."

Zuko had looked at Daiyu, who seemed happy about the compliment. "Thank you. I'm sure you and your husband were a beautiful couple." She said with a smile. "Lee and I are still quite new to our relationship." She had said as Zuko took note that she had knew that their disguise names had to be used. "Which makes it even more beautiful." The woman swooned, "My husband and I met at thirteen and had been friends ever since. We got married when we were in our early twenties and had our first born child two years after." The nostalgia in her eyes had warmed the Earthbender, "He and I are still very much in love and together but he's a stubborn ole' horsemule." She laughed. Daiyu had nudged Zuko's side, "Sounds like a certain guy I know." She had looked at Zuko who furrowed his brows. "Stubborn? You're the one that's stubborn." He countered as she rolled her eyes. "Not as stubborn as you." The woman had observed their childish bicker, a smile still adorning her face. "Yes, just like me and my husband."

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