12 | In the Heart of Ba Sing Se Pt. 2

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A week had gone by and things were going smoothly after their run in with Jet, or more like Jet's run in with them. For some reason, he had known that Iroh and Zuko were Firebenders and had tried to get them arrested. Then he and Zuko faced off with swords and Jet lost and was arrested. For a while, Daiyu had gloated about how she was right about Jet even though in some ways she did feel bad for him. It's not like he had lied, they were, Zuko and Iroh, Firebenders and wanted criminals but if he had just minded his business and went along then he would've been fine. Even though it had been a few days, it was still quite a shock. Daiyu sighed as she leaned on the counter, the ends of the palm of her hands pressing under her chin. "What's the matter Daiyu." Iroh had asked as he began pouring three cups of tea. "Nothing. I was just thinking of something." She smiled wanly which had made Iroh worry. "You've been acting strange since Jet was arrested." She had looked at her father figure from the corner of her eye, "I can't help but feel bad even though I didn't like the guy."

"He got what he deserved. He could've easily walked away." Zuko added as he placed his tray on the counter. "He chose the hard way." He finished, eyeing Daiyu as she let another sigh. "I know, I know. Who knows, they might've let him out." She shrugged, "Its not my problem." She began placing the tea cups on the tray, adding the side dishes onto it also. "Well, I have one." Zuko had said which Iroh, who was now stacking small boxes on a shelf behind the counter, had looked at his nephew. Daiyo arching a brow, wondering what he meant. "What's the problem?" She asked. Zuko leaned forward, Iroh walking over as his nephew whispered. "One of the customers is on to us. Don't look now." The Earthbender frowned slightly, "Do you think they know Jet?" She asked. "I don't know but there is a girl over there at the corner table. I believe she knows we're Fire Nation." Both Daiyu and Iroh look at this said girl. She had chocolate brown hair and big, bright olive green eyes.

"You mean her?" Daiyu asked, her voice slightly having an indignant tone. "Yeah, her. Wait, didn't I say don't look!" Iroh had a mischievous smile on his face while Daiyu rolled her eyes. "You're right Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot. Seems to me she has a little crush on you." While the teenage boy reeled back in shock, letting out a 'What?', Daiyu had turned her back towards the conversation and went towards the sink. "Daiyu, you're a girl. You know about this better-" Daiyu had cut him off, "Don't ask me about something so stupid, Zuko. Iroh can take care of this." She had said blankly, turning the faucet and taking a sponge to rub the dishes. Zuko frowned, tempting to go around the counter but the girl he suspected had came from behind him and spoke. Daiyu looked at the corner of her eyes, and frowned as the girl had walked to Zuko so casually. 'I should've known Zuko was going to pick up some girl. It's just been me for a while since I didn't expect it. Hmph, whatever. Not like Zuko is serious about relationships, he's never been in one! She's not even his type. What is his type anyway? I don't even know... Why am I so annoyed by this? Am I... Am I jealous? Oh, oh no... There's no way I'm jealous. What is there to be jealous of?' She thought to herself, having a whole conversation."Lee has a date!" Iroh said happily and making Daiyu break out of her train of thought and look up at him. "H-Huh? W-What did you say?" She asked, not sure what was going on. "Apparently, Jin wanted to ask Lee out on a date." The Earthbender stiffened and her mind had gone blank. Subconsciously, she had crushed the plate in her hand. "Da-Harumi!" Iroh yelled worriedly as the girl then snapped back into reality. "What?" She said as Iroh had grabbed her wrist to show her the shards of plate in her hand. The crimson liquid of blood had begun to show, Daiyu remaining unfazed. "I wasn't paying attention." She had said as Pao and Zuko had hurried over. "What was that noise?" Pao asked until he noticed Daiyu's bleeding hand. "What happened?" He asked as Daiyu opened her mouth to speak but then closed it. "One plate was weak and so when the hot water had rinsed over it, it broke." Iroh had explained for her. "Are you alright, Harumi?" Zuko asked as she had stared at him, forcing herself not to show him anger.

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