19 | Love is Forever

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"It's a shame." Maki had said as they had stood around the small building, red lanterns lighting up they had stood outside the building. "Daiyu was... so kind and..." She had closed her eyes, her hand covering her mouth. Ai had rubbed Maki's back, holding her. "I wonder how this happened. Did someone poison her or did she kill herself?" Kame had asked as the rain began to pour. The comet had passed two hours ago. "To think that the Fire Lord really gave up the comet..." Fuu had said, "He must've really cared about her, don't you think?" The other three girls had looked at her. "What's worse is that Zuko doesn't know, but he will soon."

They had suddenly jumped at the sound of something being knocked over. "You would rather die than marry me?!" They had heard coming from the building, all of them knowing that it was Ozai. "We should get going; he's not going to let us see her." Kame had said as they had turned, bringing out their umbrellas and then walking away. They had then heard was sounded like a piece of metal scrapping against the ground. All of them had looked up to see that it was Zuko, both his broadswords dragging against the ground. They had all moved away as his hair had clung onto his face, his clothes wet and shiny.

He had opened the doors his eyes resting on Daiyu. Her body had laid in a canopy bed in the middle of the room, white sheets and white curtains with a white frame and headrest. She was on top of the blankets, her red wedding dress lighting up the whole room. Everything in the room was white, down from the walls to the floor. The curtains, the lanterns above them, everything was all in pure, heavenly white. Zuko had looked at his father who was kneeling beside her bed. Her head hung low. Zuko looked at the man with a look of undying fury, wanting to cut him down where he stood. "She still wore your necklace." His father had said, "Even when she knew it would anger me."

Zuko had listened though he could still see red in his eyes. "The reason why... I was so entranced by her is because she was just like your mother." His son's eyes slightly widened, "She was gentle to me even when I didn't deserve it. She had spoken to me with respect even though I didn't deserve it. And even though I knew she was far away even when she was close to you, I was determined to cut that line she had. I didn't want her to die." He had looked at the Earthbender, raising his hand to touch her face but Zuko's sword was quicker and blocked him. "Don't touch her." He hissed.

Ozai had looked up at his son. "Even now, as she is dead, you don't deserve to touch her." Zuko arm slightly shook. "When I was thirteen, I couldn't find it in my heart to fight you in the Agni Kai and so you burned my eye and banished me to teach me a lesson." He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "I'm not that little boy anymore who was blinded by love and admiration for his father. I'm not afraid to fight you or to even kill you." His father had looked at him in surprise, the son that he had wanted Zuko to be all those years ago was right here. He was fueled by rage, hate, and vengeance. That Zuko, not the Zuko had forgiven, who had been lost was no longer here.

"Daiyu... Daiyu was so important to me." Zuko had said as his arm moved back to his side as his eyes rested on the peaceful looking face of the deceased female in between him and his father. "She... She accepted me for everything that I was because she knew I could be more. And she was patient and she was giving... She was willing to give up her love for me, her happiness just for the sake of my own." Zuko's bottom lip quiver as he squinted his eyes, trying to withhold tears. "And I.. . let her down. I didn't protect her because I loved my father and didn't see how much of a monster he really was! And now... and now Daiyu is dead and she isn't coming back!"

Ozai had looked at his son, narrowing his eyes. "And what are you going to do now Zuko? Are you going to kill your own father for this girl?" He asked him, "Is Dai-" Before he could finish his sentence, his felt a slight sting to his cheek. His hand had slowly reached up to his face as he could feel something warm on his fingers, he lowered his hand noticed it was blood. "Don't ever say her name out of your mouth again! You don't deserve that either."

Jaded Petals ↛ Zuko x OC ✔️Where stories live. Discover now