03 | Bonding

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It had been three days now. Iroh still hadn't returned and Daiyu kept secluding herself. The first day, morning was very strange. She didn't remember that she would be waking up in the palace she had just arrived to the day before. The servants had dressed her and groomed her for breakfast in which she had dubbed awkward. There was silence as everyone ate; nobody had said one word. Daiyu kept her eyes on her food, never looking at anything else or anyone else. The food was delicious and the dining hall was beautiful. She had only noticed that before she had come in. She had done that for three days now. Seclusion was the only thing she wanted and she had spent the rest of her days in the library but joining the royal family for dinner.

She was now in the library again in this early afternoon. Her hand touching the hardback cover of the novel she had just got done reading. She tapped her fingers against it, debating if she was going to re-read it or read another book. She had read two books so far and they were very good reads. Most of them really centered on the Fire Nation, there were no stories of people of other parts of the world. She knew that the Nation was arrogant, but she didn't know that it exceeded this far. "Reading another book?" The voice had caught her off guard and immediately her head spun to the direction in which it came from. Standing there was Ursa, who was giving her a small and warm smile.

Daiyu had continued to watch the woman since she was still wary. She did deduce that Ursa was kind like Iroh and Lu Ten, but she still did not know the woman well. Ursa had sat next to the Earthbender on the couch, her hands folded neatly on her lap. "I know it must be hard for you." Ursa had said, her eyes still on the child beside her. "You lost your family, left your home, and the one person you trust is not even here and you lost Lu Ten as well." Daiyu's eyes softened, still not over her grief. "I'm here if you need me." Daiyu had continued to look at Ursa, trying to see in the woman's eyes if her words were true. She could see the steadiness and feel the warmth. The Princess had meant her words. "Thank you." was the child's reply. A hand soon went on her shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze. Daiyu closed her eyes and tried to stop herself from breaking down in tears. If only Iroh was here, she needed him...

"Princess Ursa?" A woman had called; it appeared to be a servant who had bowed immediately upon laying her eyes of the mother of two. Daiyu had kept her head down and her eyes on the book in her lap. "What is it?" asked Ursa. "It is Prince Ozai, he wants to request an audience with Fire Lord Azulon and wants you there with Zuko and Azula." The servant explained. Ursa nodded and then stood, "My offer still stands." Daiyu had looked up and watched her back as she walked away. She regretted not trying to find solace in her, but she had much rather Iroh was here. And so, Daiyu slid off the couch and placed the book she had read back in the spot she took it from in the bookshelf. Her eyes then roamed around and tried to find another book. "What do you think the meeting is about?" On person asked, Daiyu stand still and remaining silent. "I bet it might have something to do with Prince Iroh not returning and the failure of capturing Ba Sing Se." The Earthbender felt one hand curl up in a fist. It wasn't a failure, his son had died! "You think Prince Ozai might try to replace him?" Daiyu's eyes widened. That's just ridiculous! There's no way Ozai could replace Iroh, at least that's what she believed.

Immediately she ran out of the library, her small feet carrying her to the throne room. She had gotten lost since the palace was huge and there were a lot of corners and many doors. Almost passing the actual room, she had heard someone yelling. "You dare suggest I betray Iroh? My first born?" Daiyu had frozen at the large golden doors. Luckily enough, it wasn't guarded. She had opened the door just a crack and slipped through. She had run towards one of the large columns, on the other side she had caught sight of Azula and Zuko from behind a curtain. Daiyu made sure she had slipped deeper in the shadows, she didn't want them to see she was spying. "Directly after the demise of his only beloved son? I think Iroh has suffered enough. But you, your punishment has scarcely begun!" Azulon roared, Zuko had ran away while Azula had watched, a cruel smile on her face. "You must know the pain of losing a first born son, by sacrificing your own!" Daiyu withheld a gasp as his son had stood there, his eyes wide. "Yes, honorable father." He did not even fight. Daiyu watched as Prince Ozai bowed and turned around, walking towards the entrance doors. Daiyu remained silent and still as he walked out of the throne room and a few minutes later, Azula sneaked out herself.

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