08 | Us Against the World

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Daiyu had thrown her arms in the air as she was making her way to the deck. She had just woken up for the morning and was feeling a little relaxed. Though, she still very a little tired and she wasn't sure why when she had slept long enough to be well-rested. Once she had reached the deck, she had seen Zuko looking through his telescope and Iroh standing and looking at the sky. "There is a storm coming. A big one." Iroh had said and even though Daiyu could feel it, she couldn't really believe it since the weather seemed perfect. Maybe it was because the ocean air was taking away from the rain smell, she wasn't sure but she knew that Iroh knew about the seas and weather better than her. So, she did not doubt him as his nephew had. "You're out of your mind, Uncle. The weather's perfect. There is not a cloud in sight." Zuko argued as he lowered the telescope. He always seemed to doubt Iroh and then other days, think that his Uncle's judgment was the best thing since Roast Duck. She never understood him sometimes.

Daiyu decided not to participate in the argument as Iroh then explained how he knew. "The storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest." Zuko wasn't hearing any of it, "We know the Avatar is traveling northward, so we will do the same." He had said. "Prince Zuko, consider the safety of the crew." Daiyu had slowly frowned. "The safety of the crew doesn't matter!" The ship's Lieutenant was clearly not happy by the former Prince's words. She had enough, "Zuko, their safety should matter! You know, they didn't have to risk their lives to help you look for the Avatar." She explained, "You owe them a lot, you know!" Zuko had glared at her, a bit unsatisfied that she was not backing him. He knew her words were true though and looked to see the Lieutenant, who still looked displeased.

The male had then walked up to the Lieutenant, Iroh and Daiyu watching him until his face was in front of the Lieutenant's. Zuko had worn an expression that was a mixture of anger and solemnness. "Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety." He had said as he entered the ship, slamming the hatch behind him. Iroh and Daiyu looked at each other and sighed, making their way to Jee, the Lieutenant. "He doesn't mean that, he's just all worked up." Iroh tried to explain. "Lieutenant Jee, you and the crew are far more important." Daiyu had tried to smooth things over as well. Jee clenched his teeth and then let out a sigh, "Don't stress yourselves with making me feel better." He had said as he looked at the both of them. "No," Daiyu shook her head, "I greatly respect you and I admire you for putting up with Zuko's selfishness and tantrums. Please, forgive him for me." Jee had looked at the girl's pleading eyes, Iroh batting his eyes lashes as well.

The man stifled a snort, trying to keep his expression free of emotion but he couldn't help but want to laugh. And finally he broke down into a laughing fit, Daiyu smiled. "So please?" She begged, Jee coughing and trying to regain his composure. "I can't say that I forgive Prince Zuko's selfish actions, but I'll endure." He explained as Daiyu nodded, "Thank you, I'm going to go talk to him." She then turned and left, Iroh watching her leave along with Jee. "She's a sweet girl." Jee had said as Iroh gave him a smile. "Even though Zuko doesn't bring the best out of himself, he brings the best out of her." He had said as Jee looked at Iroh. "She seems to be really attached to him." The former general nodded, "They grew up together, and it is only natural. Yet I suspect that maybe..."

"Zuko?" Daiyu nodded on his chamber door. "C'mon, Zuko." She folded her arms across her chest and waited. She knew he was going to be upset with her for not taking his side. Hell, was she supposed to take his side when he was wrong? "Zuko, open the door!" She yelled again and she had heard shifting in the room. He had opened the door, a vexed expression on his face. "What do you want?" She could tell he was irked, his voice was trembling with agitation but she wasn't going to let it faze her. Zuko did not scare her or make her buckle. "You're acting like a child." She pushed past him and walked in, she heard him slam his door shut. "You're being so reckless and temperamental!" She lectured, "Why would you say the Avatar is more important than the crew in front of them? You could've meant what you said, I can't change you feel about people, but you had insulted them! You insulted them so blatantly. It was stupid."

Jaded Petals ↛ Zuko x OC ✔️Where stories live. Discover now