05 | Things You Can't Forget

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"A year in Kyoshi Island?" Daiyu had read from the scroll in her hands, re-reading the line to see if she had read right. "B-But why?" She had looked up at her father figure, Iroh, who was smiling down at her. "I know you would like to strengthen your Earthbending." He had tucked in hands in pockets inside his sleeves. "And what better way to learn than from an actual Earthbender? I have a friend that lives there and he'll be a great teacher for you." Iroh had explained, Daiyu knitting her brows together. Of course, she was excited to improve her Earthbending but leaving home, the Fire Nation, for a year? She didn't want to leave Iroh's side or Zuko's. Not only that, what about her friends? "I mean I'm glad but..." She mumbled, a sad expression forming. The older man had begun to frown, "If you do not wish to take this opportunity then you don't have to."

She looked at Iroh and then shook her head, "No, it's for the best." She rolled up the scroll and nodded her, standing firm with the idea. "I have to strengthen my Earthbending and I can't do that here. I can only do that in the Earth Kingdom or Kyoshi Island in this case." She let out another sigh. "Thank you, Iroh. I'm sorry I seemed a bit ungrateful but I love you and it'll hurt being away from you for such a long time." She said with a small, sad smile. "I know I won't master it in just a year, but all that I can learn... It'll be worth it." Iroh smiled and then wrapped his arms around the young pre-teen, who had then returned his hug. "I love you too, Daiyu, and it'll hurt me as well. But I know you'll be growing stronger and able to protect yourself, not only that. You have a gift, all people who can bend should be able to explore that gift and master it." He told her in which she knew was true. "I'll always send you letters, every week." He pressed his lips atop of her head, causing her to smile.

"When will I be going anyway?" She had asked, "In a couple of weeks? A month?" She questioned as he enjoyed her newfound enthusiasm. "In two weeks. There will be a small ship prepared for you." At the end of his sentence, Prince Zuko came walking up towards them. Daiyu had given him a small smile and Iroh giving his nephew one as well. "What are you two doing in the hall?" He asked. "I was just telling Daiyu about her Earthbending training." Iroh explained as his nephew appeared confused. "I thought that Father said she wasn't allowed to Earthbend on Fire Nation soil?" Zuko questioned, unsure of what his Uncle was talking about. "I'll be going to Kyoshi Island for my training." Daiyu explained as he looked at her with surprise. "Oh..." He replied, "Excited for it?" The Earthbender smiled, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It's just strange that I'll be gone for a year."

"A year?!" Both Daiyu and Iroh blinked twice at the Prince's outburst. "Yes, Prince Zuko. Daiyu will train there for a year. She may not master it, but she will learn a great deal." Iroh had went on to say as his nephew, nodded his head understandingly. "Is it me or does it sound like someone is going to miss me?" Daiyu teased as one hand was on her hip and the other still holding the scroll. Zuko immediately took a flustered expression, a red tint to his cheeks and his eyebrows knitted with narrowed eyes. His hands were bawled into fist, one foot stomping on the ground. Oh boy, he was having one of his tantrums. "Miss you? Why would I miss you?" Daiyu folded her arms across her chest. "Why wouldn't you miss me? You barely hangout with Liwei and Enlai, so whose going to spend time with you?" She said as he looked around, trying to come up with an answer. He just snorted and folded his arms, looking away with a heated expression. "Admit it, c'mon. You're going to miss me." She leaned forward, her face inches towards his as his cheeks had taken on a darker red and his frustration growing.

Iroh had chuckled at Daiyu's teasing and Zuko's resistance. "Well, I guess he won't miss me. I guess without me he can focus on Fire Nation stuff. Like war room meetings and things like that." She said as Zuko had looked at her, his attention now when it came to ideas. "War room meetings?" He questioned. "Yeah, y'know, being a Prince and all, you'll wanna know more about this war since when you'll be Fire Lord, who knows what you'll be dealing with. If you'll be ruling this nation one day, you'll need to start learning as much as you can." She smiled. "As much as I can...?" He mumbled, contemplating on what she said. "He's only thirteen, there's not much he can learn without hitting the books." Iroh stepped in as Daiyu nodded, "That's true too. I can always help you. There's a lot of books I know that center around past wars, ancient battle tactics, and terrain of different parts of the world. I'm pretty sure most of the time your father is trying to figure out how he can win the war against the Earth Kingdom's battalion. In order to win this war, he'll need Omashu and Ba Sing Se. If he proves successful, you'll be having to learn how to keep your territories from being taken over and so security is what you should learn too.""You sure know a lot about this war." Zuko had pointed out as the girl blinked a few times. "Well, I was in the war." She looked at Iroh, "So I've seen some of it for myself." The former general looked at her and then back at his nephew, nodding his head in agreement. "She was there when we destroyed the outer wall." Zuko has kept his gaze on Daiyu, wondering what was on her mind when it happened. Actually, he was always curious as to how she thought about the war. Did she hate it? Did she secretly resent the Fire Nation? He also wondered if his uncle ever spoke to her about it or she had spoken to him about her true feelings about it. "So, before I leave for Kyoshi Island, I can always help you study." She said confidently, giving him a small smile. "Speaking of studying, shouldn't you be studying, Daiyu? Sifu Taolan had sent you scroll about the origin of Earthbending. You best get to it." Iroh had said as the young girl had nodded. "Right, see you two at dinner." She waved and ran off, leaving the two behind.

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