17 | Choices

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Daiyu had turned to her right side, still asleep. She could feel warmth beside her which she knew meant that Zuko was still asleep. She had tried her best not to cling onto him, to reach for him or to touch him. Even though they were now a couple, she did not want to push things. They were still in the beginning stages of their relationship and she did not want to rush or complicate things even though she already had putting a child into the mix. Seeing how her thoughts were now running rampant, she opened her eyes to see Zuko still fast asleep and shirtless. All she could see was his bare back as she lied under the covers, her face heating up from the sight. She was just a teenage girl and she was trying to keep her hormones under control.

Since she didn't want to wake him, she just laid there and closed her eyes in hopes that maybe she would go back to sleep but that abruptly came to an end. There was a knock coming from the door and the familiar voice of the boy she had found yesterday coming from the other side, "Daiyu!" She heard the boy call her name and she had heard Zuko grunt out of frustration. The door had then flew open, Satoru's bare feet slapping against the wooden floors and his small body climbing up the bed and crawling in between in the small space between Daiyu and Zuko. This caused the former prince to open his eyes and glaring at the small boy.

Satoru had instinctively held onto Daiyu, finding her the safer and gentler one out of the two. "It's morning." He said as Daiyu had rubbed atop of his head, "Dawn to be exact. What are you doing up this early?" She had asked. "I'm pretty hungry. Is there going to be breakfast?" Daiyu had looked at Zuko, who had glared back at her. "You are the only one who can cook." She said, already knowing what he was thinking. Zuko looked back at the boy who looked at him with big, pleading eyes. "Fine." He sighed and rolled out of the bed, grabbing his shirt from the end of the bed and placing it on. Satoru had then followed behind him, leaving Daiyu in the room by herself.

Zuko could hear Satoru's footsteps following him from behind. "What do you want?" He asked him as Satoru continued following him. "To eat." The boy put it simply. "Do you have to follow me?" He asked as the child nodded. "Yup." His answer didn't seem to really satiate Zuko's curiosity but he wasn't going to let the child aggravate him more. And so, when he made it downstairs and towards the kitchen, Satoru had sat at the dining table and watched as Zuko had pulled out basket of eggs. "Omelets? Omelets are my favorite for breakfast!" He smiled as Zuko hadn't said anything in reply.

"What's your name?" Satoru asked as Zuko had looked at him, unsure of what to actually say. Daiyu hadn't brought up the subject to him about knowing the royal family even though he should've known. So, instead of saying his name he went with his disguise. "Lee." He answered as Satoru nodded, "Lee, huh?" Satoru had looked at the table. "I know you're Prince Zuko, son of Fire Lord Ozai." Zuko had paused, egg in hand. "I won't tell anyone though. Besides, who would believe me? Prince Zuko hiding in Shu Jing with his Earth Kingdom lover who was supposed to be the Fire Lord's new, young wife." This boy was smarter than what Zuko took him for.

"You sound a little too mature for your age." Zuko commented as cracked the egg against the counter before fully cracking it over in the pan. "My mom used to be a Fire Nation spy." He said, "And so she didn't raise me to be naïve." The former prince set his jaw, "What happened to her?" Zuko asked, "The Fire Lord had ordered her death. He said she was incompetent because she wasn't able to kill my father, who was a crooked royal accountant and stealing gold right from under the Fire Lord's nose. So, he had them both killed which is why I am homeless." Satoru put it simply. Before Zuko could interrogate him further, Daiyu had came down the steps.Satoru had looked at Daiyu, giving her a smile as she had walked over and sat down next to him. "You seem to be excited." She said as he continued to keep his green, "Lee is making omelets!" Satoru said as Daiyu had looked over at Zuko with the cooking chopsticks in hand. She had then stood, "I'll make tea then." She said but Zuko had stopped her. "I'll take care of it." He said which made Daiyu shrug her shoulders and continued to have small talk with Satoru.

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