Episode Four

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"No. No. No. Ya hemos hablado de esto al menos una docena de veces. Lo más cercano a una mascota que compraré es una planta." Ana says as she gets ready for work. (No. No. No. We've talked about this at least a dozen times already. The closest thing to a pet I'll buy is a plant.)

Jose and Mario have teamed up on her to get a dog.

"Por favor cariño. ¿De verdad vas a dejar solos a tus pobres abuelos traumatizados y sin ningún tipo de compañía?" Mario begs, attempting to guilt trip her. (Please, honey. Are you really going to leave your poor traumatized grandparents alone without any companion?

"Ciertamente parecías tener un compañero anoche." Ana responds to Mario. (You certainly seemed to have a companion last night.)

"ella te atrapó." Jose laughs, giving Ana a high five. (she got you)

"Lo siento, abuelo. Pero apenas pude comprar todos tus medicamentos la semana pasada, definitivamente no puedo permitirme una mascota." Ana says, softly, walking into the living room. (I'm sorry, grandpa. But I could barely buy all your medications last week, I definitely can't afford a pet.)

"¿Estás luchando con el dinero, mija?" Carmen asks. (Are you struggling with money, darling?)

"Está bien, abuela. Me has cuidado toda mi vida, déjame cuidar de ti. No te preocupes por el dinero ni nada. El único estrés en tu mente debería ser lo que estás desayunando." Ana assures her abuela, kissing her cheek as she walks to the door and puts on her shoes. (It's fine, abuela. You've taken care of me my whole life, let me take care of you. Don't worry about money or anything. The only stress on your mind should be what you're having for breakfast.)

"pero-" Carmen says. (but-)

"No, sin peros. Salvaste mi vida y me adoptaste cuando hubiera sido huérfana. Yo soy la que trabaja. Soy yo quien debe preocuparse por el dinero." Ana says, softly. (Nope, no buts. You saved my life and adopted me when I would've been an orphan. I'm the one working. I'm the one who shall worry about money.)

"Está bien, cariño, siempre y cuando estés a salvo." Carmen concedes. (okay, darling, as long as you stay safe.)

"Lo haré, ahora tengo que ponerme a trabajar, los veré a todos alrededor de las seis de la noche." Ana promises, before grabbing her keys and leaving the apartment.

[Timeskip - 8 AM | Roll Call]

"Everyone have a seat. Today is a special day for our rookies. 'Cause today we switch things up. That's right. Everybody gets a new training officer. Nolan and Cabrera, you'll be riding with Officer Lopez. West, you'll be riding with Officer Bradford. And Chen, you'll be with Bishop. But learning how to navigate a new T.O. is not your only challenge. By the end of next shift, I expect every rookie to uncover something personal about their training officer, something they don't want you to know. This will be a test of your investigative instincts and your fortitude. Best insight will win a day off. Worst one handles Saturday night cavity searches. That's it. Good luck."

Ana stands up, she's familiar with Angela, not so much with Nolan. She's a little disappointed that she was paired with another rookie again, but she'll survive.

She heads outside, grabbing gear and not listening to the rookies conversation or the TO's conversation. She puts the gear in the back of the shop, automatically getting into the back of the shop.

Officer Lopez is the next one in the car and she turns to say something to Ana but Nolan comes around to the driver side and talks to Angela.

"Oh. Uh, usually Officer Bishop has me drive. She feels it's a better way to evaluate how I -" Nolan starts.

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