Episode Eight

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It's been a week since Isabel was arrested. Tim has been off, but Ana definitely can't blame him for it, she's been off too. She has a bad habit of internalizing others' pains. Not as a way to sympathize with them but to empathize with them. Either way, Ana always ends up getting herself hurt, whether through others or when she herself is personally hurt. 

However, she pushes it to the side, reminding herself of how she was on a boat for 18 days with little food and water in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, so she can survive her own feelings.

Definitely not the healthiest way to deal with things.


"You did the right thing, letting them find Isabel's drugs." Lucy says, taking her own turn to reassure Tim on patrol.

"They weren't hers. She's in this situation because she let herself get taken advantage of." Tim responds.

"Do you really believe that?" Lucy asks.

The laptop beeps and Ana leans forward to check it. "It's an officer-involved shooting. It's Nolan." She reports, softly.


"I don't know why I'm here, I've never talked to Isabel" Ana says, softly.

"This is simply precautionary" Detective Wolfe responds.

"then why is my union rep here?" Ana asks, softly.

"Ms. Cabrera" Talia starts.

"what?" Ana asks, softly. "I'm confused, couldn't Tim or Lucy give you more information? or maybe Angela, she's known them for longer. I met Tim a month and a half ago."

"Ms. Cabrera, please, if you'll let us continue" Detective Vestri insists.

Ana glances at her union rep, Simon, who gives her a slight nod. 

"okay" Ana says, softly, relaxing a little in her chair.

"so, Ms. Cabrera, you weren't born in the US, correct?" Detective Wolfe starts.

"oh" Ana realizes, softly.

"that's what this is?" Ana laughs, dryly.

"what? because I'm Hispanic it means that I must be involved in drugs?" Ana says.

"no, that's not what we meant" Talia says.

"sounds a hell of a lot like what you meant" Ana responds, softly.

"Ms. Cabrera, please" Detective Wolfe insists.

"fine, fine, please continue to be racist" Ana sighs.

"Where were you born, Ms. Cabrera?" Talia asks.

"Havana, Cuba" Ana replies.

"when did you move to America?" Talia continues.

"when I was 14" Ana answers.

"you applied for refugee status, why is that?" Talia asks.

"because my father was shot and killed by corrupt police three years earlier and the police had been targeting my family since" Ana replies.

"Why was your father killed?" Talia questions.

"how does this have anything to do with Isabel?" Ana scoffs.

"these are just preliminary questions" Detective Wolfe assures her.

Ana glances at Simon, whose face is in a thin line. He doesn't like it either.

"my father was killed because he defended a man who was protesting against the corrupt government, policemen were trying to kill said man, my father knew he was a good guy and tried to stop the police, only to be shot seventeen times right in front of me" Ana replies.

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