Episode Seven

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"Cualquier policía bueno que hayas conocido, mija?" Esmerelda asks as Ana is getting ready for work. (Any hot cops you've met, darling?)

"A menos que estés interesado en las babosas, entonces no." Ana replies, softly, doing her mascara. (Unless you're interested in slugs, then no.)

"Ella no fue para ella, amor, fue para ti." Carmen says, walking into Ana's bathroom as well. (She didn't mean for her, love, she meant for you.)

"¿Para mí?" Ana giggles. (For me?)

"Gracias abuelas, realmente necesitaba eso esta mañana." Ana laughs, finding the thought amusing. (thank you, grandmothers, I really needed that this morning.)

"Ella habla en serio, cariño, ¿cuándo vas a encontrar a alguien a quien amar? ¿Realmente planeas vivir con tus abuelos para siempre?" Carmen responds, making Ana frown. (She's being serious, honey, when are you going to find someone to love? Are you really planning on living with your grandparents forever?)

"Pago el apartamento, no es que no tenga una vida y un trabajo." Ana replies. (I pay for the apartment, it's not like I don't have a life and a job.)

"No estamos diciendo eso, mija, solo estamos diciendo que necesitas a alguien que te ame. ¿Crees que no nos hemos dado cuenta de cómo pasas horas leyendo tu libro de estudio? Eso no es saludable, deberías tener a alguien a quien besar, alguien a quien amar." Carmen answers. (We're not saying that, darling, we're just saying that you need someone who will love you. You think we haven't noticed how you spend hours reading your study book? That isn't healthy, you should have someone to kiss, someone to love.)

"Abuela, son las seis de la mañana. ¿No podemos hablar de mi vida amorosa ahora mismo?" Ana says, pulling the 'I'm tired and have to go to work' card because she knows that her abuelas are right. (Grandmother, it's six in the morning. Can we not talk about my love life right now?)


She manages to escape her abuelas asking about her romantic life and drive to work. When she enters, she sees Nolan and Lucy having an awkward conversation with Jackson unknowingly spurring it on.

Ana sends Lucy a sympathetic look and she gets a smile in return. Roll call starts soon after.

"All right, grab your seats. A special day here at Mid-Wilshire. In fact, we're gonna start off by playing a game I like to call "What is a patrol officer's least favorite assignment?" Officer Lopez, why don't you get us started." Wade says.

"Easy. Guarding a dead body." Angela replies.

"Solid one. Officer Bradford?" Wade asks next.

"Canvassing in the rain" Bradford replies.

"Bishop" Wade calls next.

"Driving the drunk wagon. It's just nasty." Talia replies.

"Without a doubt. And yet, for me, the absolute worst is the VIP ride along." Wade adds.

The officers groan while the rookies exchange confused looks.

"Why? That sounds like fun" Nolan pipes up.

"Officer Bishop, would you like to inform your Boot why the ride along tops my list?" Wade asks, turning to Talia.

"Because if anything happens to your VIP, it's your ass. So, you take the lowest of low-risk calls. It makes a 12-hour shift feel twice as long." Talia answers.

"Plus, you're trapped in a car all day with an entitled prima donna coated in body spray." Bradford adds.

"Officer Nolan, you want to take a guess why we're playing this game?" Wade asks, turning back to Nolan.

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