Episode Sixteen

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"My abuela wants you over for dinner again" Ana says, as she and Tim walk to the briefing room.

"why? cause I can put things up on the high shelves?" Tim asks.

"well... yeah" Ana giggles.

"when are we talking?" Tim questions.

"Saturday night?" Ana asks, softly.

"I'll be there, you want me to bring anything?" Tim asks.

"no" Ana shakes her head. "abuela would tear you apart."

They arrive in the briefing room only for Captain Anderson to call them over.

"Can I have your attention?" Anderson calls from a landing outside the briefing room.

"Let's go, Boots." Tim says and they gather around the landing.

"Everyone, gather up. All right, guys, listen up. Internal Affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week." Anderson announces.

"Reversals." Jackson nods.

"That's right, Officer West." Anderson nods in approval.

"What's a reversal?" Nolan asks.

"Where cops go undercover to rat out other cops." Bradford explains, making Ana frown and she turns to ask him why but Anderson speaks up.

"IA officers will be spending the week pretending to be criminals so they can analyze how we treat them." Anderson corrects.

"So, what Tim said." Angela says.

"Do you think this is a joke, Officer Lopez? Officer Bradford?" Anderson asks.

"No, ma'am." They say at the same time.

"Good. 'Cause I take it very seriously. If you have to change your behavior because of these reversals, we have a problem. My officers do things the right way every day. Is that understood?" Anderson says.

"Yes, ma'am." All of the officers say.

"Dismissed." Anderson responds.

"What if the undercover cops get in the way of an actual call, couldn't that endanger everyone?" Ana asks, softly.

"These guys train for this like the Super Bowl. They know what they're doing, they wouldn't do something like that" Talia answers.

"Are reversals really that hard to spot? I mean, you can usually make a cop by the way they walk." Nolan questions.

"About two years ago, they took over a bank and masqueraded as robbers just to test our response time." Talia recalls

"They cleared the bank out first. Every teller and customer was a plant." Tim adds.

"That's dedicated." Lucy nods.

"wouldn't it be faster to look through our body cam footage?" Ana points out.

"Yes, it's a waste of time and resources, which is why I make it my mission to seek and destroy reversals." Bradford responds.


"I'm just saying, cops don't have the best reputation right now. And if these tests help the public trust us, isn't it worth it?" Lucy mentions.

"And how are we supposed to trust each other if our fellow officers are trying to trick us into screwing up?" Bradford points out.

"I ask myself that every day." Lucy responds.

"That's different. I do it to make you a better cop, not betray you." Bradford shakes his head.

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