Episode Twenty

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"are you sure you're okay?" Lucy asks, watching Ana get changed into her uniform for the day.

"I wouldn't change a single thing about what happened last night" Ana murmurs, softly. "I would do it all over again, and this is just how it works."

"it's still terrible" Lucy says.

"it is, but I was stupid for getting my hopes up anyway, this has been the best six months of my life, of course it's ruined by something I can't control" Ana says, softly.

"you're not going to quit, right?" Lucy asks.

"no, I'm not. my grandparents didn't raise a quitter" Ana responds, softly.

"I'm staying until they fire me" Ana decides, softly.

"they won't fire you, they know none of it was your fault, plus you answering the mugging call was an ethical dilemma, you only missed two and those were the ones because Russo put you on that stupid list" Lucy says.

"don't jinx me. The Cabrera Curse is a real thing" Ana says, softly.


Bradford has been talking to Lucy, but not to Ana. Ana worries that he's disappointed in her, which would make all of this hurt twice as much.

"7-Adam-19, silent hold-up alarm activated at Madame Megan's Psychic Shop. 2417 Vine. Code 3." Dispatch says over the radio.

They enter the store to see a man (Fischer) threatening a woman (Megan) with a giant crystal ball.

"Tell me! Tell me right now! How the hell did you know?! Answer me!" Fischer yells.

"Police. Drop the snow globe." Bradford orders.

"That's a $900 crystal ball. Can he just put it down instead?" Megan requests.

"You heard her. Gently." Bradford commands.

"Up against the wall. Turn around." Ana orders, softly, coming over to the man once he sets the crystal ball on the ground.

"Ma'am, you okay?" Bradford asks.

"Yeah. I was just giving that psycho a reading, and he hulked out." Megan replies, standing up.

"Don't say another word. We've got psychic-client confidentiality." Fischer exclaims.

"That's not a thing, asshat." Megan responds.

"So, what exactly were you telling him when he attacked you?" Bradford asks.

"We were talking about his love life. I said I saw an image of him and a beautiful woman surrounded by trees, and then he freaked out." Megan explains.

"Why is that, sir? Strike a little close to home? Have you been in the woods with a woman recently?" Lucy asks.

"No, it was just a misunderstanding." Fischer replies.

"Control, run a name for me. Last name Fischer, first name Randy L. Suspected on a domestic." Ana says, softly, over the radio, using the man's license.

"7-Adam-19, be advised, suspect's wife was reported missing six weeks ago." Dispatch says over the radio.

"Hands behind your back." Ana orders, softly, cuffing Fischer.

"Holy crap. I was just making that up." Megan gasps.

"You were?" Fischer asks.

"You think if I were really psychic that I'd be working out of a moldy storefront in Hollywood?" Megan snarks back 

Megan then turns back to Bradford, looking him up and down suggestively. "Although, I can totally see us destroying my bedroom later."

Ana bites her lip, focusing back on arresting the man and reading him his Miranda rights.

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