Episode Ten

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"Mija, ¿estás tratando de actuar como si pudieras cocinar otra vez?" Carmen asks, entering the kitchen around 5 am to see Ana trying to make banana bread. (darling, are you trying to act like you can cook again?)

Ana turns to her, making a pretend hurt face. "¡Puedo cocinar!" Ana says. (I can cook!)

Just as Ana says that, the oven starts beeping and smoke starts to spill out of it.

"Lo siento, debí haberte entendido mal, pensé que habías dicho que sabías cocinar." Carmen teases as Ana pulls out the burnt banana bread from the oven and smoke fills the kitchen. (I'm sorry, I must have misheard you, I thought you said you could cook.)

Ana pouts at her.

"abuela, ¿me haces el desayuno, por favor?" Ana asks, softly and defeated, watching as Carmen reaches into a cabinet and pulls out banana bread. Carmen is well aware of her granddaughter's love of banana bread and bakes a batch every week. (abuela, will you make me breakfast, please?)

"Gracias te amo eres la mejor" Ana says, softly, jumping on her toes when she sees the banana bread. Ana is very excited by food, which has always been a thing that her grandparents tease her about.

"solo come, mija" Carmen laughs, throwing away Ana's burnt banana bread. (just eat, darling)

Ana giggles and has a grin on her face as she eats a piece of the banana bread.

After being fed, Ana is a happy camper and skips off to work. She enters the roll call room and chats with Lucy for a few minutes until Nolan enters and roll call starts.

"All right. Look alive, look alive. Officer Nolan, you ready?" Grey asks.

"Yes, sir." Nolan replies.

"Good. Now, answer me this. What is your favorite part about the job? And don't say "To make a difference.""Grey asks.

"I wasn't going to. But it is." Nolan responds.

"What's your least favorite?" Grey asks.

"Oh, that's easy. Paperwork." Nolan answers.

Captain Anderson enters the roll call room, wearing a patrol uniform.

"Imagine how I feel" Anderson says.

Officers murmur and Ana hears Angela say "alright"

"Most of what a captain does is paperwork. 'Cause of that, I feel like I've lost touch with what being a cop is really about. People. It's not only the citizens that we serve and protect. It's every single one of you in this room. So, to remedy that, I've decided Sergeant Grey and I are gonna ride patrol today." Anderson explains.

"Together?" Bradford asks.

"No. We're each gonna ride with a rookie, and their respective T.O.s will pair up." Anderson responds.

"Ma'am, I'd be honored if you'd ride with me." Jackson says.

"trying to get rid of me, boot?" Angela asks.

Ana giggles a little bit. 

"shortstack over there would never do me like that" Angela continues, gesturing to Ana.

"That is sweet, Officer West, but today I'm riding with Officer Chen." Anderson replies.

"Sergeant Grey, I'd be honored if you rode with Officer West today." Nolan says, making Ana and Jackson giggle.

"That's cute, Officer Nolan. But you know my heart belongs to you." Grey responds, making all of the other rookies giggle.

"Lucky me" Nolan responds.

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