Episode Twelve

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Ana enters the bull pen in good spirits, sitting down next to Lucy.

"All right, we know what today is. The most dangerous day of our year." Grey says, starting roll call.

"what day is it?" Ana whispers to Lucy.

"Valentines Day" Lucy whispers back.

"oh, so an American holiday" Ana murmurs, softly, turning her attention back to Grey.

"Valentine's Day, sir? Really? Not Black Friday, not New Year's?" Nolan asks.

"what's Black Friday?" Ana whispers. "I see it on the TV but I don't understand the point"

"there's not really a point" Lucy whispers back.

"so like most holidays" Ana mumbles to herself.

"That's right, Officer Nolan. Breakups and broken hearts. Jealousy and revenge. All make for a perfect storm of heightened emotion and dangerous situations. Hell, sometimes violence can find you minding your own business at dinner." Grey says.

"Sir, again, I can't tell you how sorry I am." Nolan apologizes.

"I'm not the one that needs the apologies, Officer Nolan." Grey answers.

"Yes, sir. Please apologize to your wife for me. If you'd like me to make you another reservation -" Nolan offers.

"I traded shifts for last night off. The night you ruined." Grey continues.

"Yes, sir." Nolan says.

"Uh, sir? I don't see my T. O." Lucy says.

Ana leans over and whispers into Lucy's ear.

"oh" Lucy says, her mouth forming an O and she nods.

"Officer Bradford's taken a personal day." Grey says, wondering what Ana told Lucy.

"You're kidding. Tim hasn't taken a personal day in his entire life." Angela says, also wondering what the two girls know.

"Be that as it may, he's off today. So, Chen and Cabrera, you'll be assigned to the front desk. All right. That's it. Everybody be safe out there." Grey announces. 

The second they're out of earshot of anyone else.

"He's seeing Isabel?" Lucy gasps.

"yeah, my abuela's ex boyfriend is also at the rehab center, they have a visitors day today" Ana explains, softly.

"damn" Lucy shakes her head as they walk to the front desk.

"what do you think she's going to do?" Lucy asks.

"he saw her... after she was shot, I saw them on my way out of the hospital" Ana murmurs. "I don't know, I think that she might use him again, unfortunately"

"didn't you say that she told you a month ago to have Tim leave her alone because there isn't a future with her?" Lucy asks.

"she did" Ana says, softly. "but you don't know with drug addicts. She could've been on something when she said that. Or maybe the mission cleared her senses and she wants him back. Whatever it is, it won't be good.

"damn" Lucy says again.

"what gossip you two got?" Angela calls.

"nothing ma'am" Ana says, softly, turning to look at Angela.

Both girls look sheepish and Angela sighs, looking between them.

Angela walks off and Ana and Lucy giggle.

"what do you think we should do about it?" Ana asks, softly.

"Nothing, he made it clear he doesn't want us involved" Lucy answers.

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