Episode Eighteen

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"Si no es tu jefe alto o tu nueva amiga, diles que se vayan." Esmerelda says. (If it's not your tall boss or your new friend, tell them to go away.)

All of them awoke to someone knocking on the apartment door at two am.

Ana just got back from an 18 hour shift around 1 am and she's definitely not in the mood for this. She looks like a mess and she's glaring at everything and everyone, unfortunately for Ana, her glare looks like an angry kitten.

"Tim y Lucy trabajaron conmigo el turno de dieciocho horas. Dudo que sea alguno de ellos." Ana responds, softly, as she moves to the apartment door. (Tim and Lucy both just worked the eighteen hour shift with me. I doubt it's either of them.)

"Entonces diles que se vayan." Jose grumbles. (Then tell them to go away.)

Ana ignores her grandparents and opens the front door. A younger man, probably in his 20's, is wearing a suit and holding a piece of paper.

"soliciting isn't allowed in this apartment complex" Ana murmurs, softly.

"you've been served" The man says, handing her the piece of paper before walking away.

"served with what?" Ana groans, looking down at the paper.


"Hey. Heard you two are officially cops now. Got hit with your first lawsuit." Angela says as they're walking to the briefing room.

"Oh, it's ridiculous. This guy says I dislocated his shoulder pushing past him in a pursuit. I-I don't think I even touched him. And now he wants fifty thousand to settle." Nolan complains. "what's yours?'

"Imma be honest, I read it when it was delivered to me, I don't remember a single word on that page now" Ana admits, softly.

"give me that" Bradford says, taking the paper from her.

"shit" Bradford curses, looking down at the paper.

"what?" Ana asks, softly, reaching for it.

"when the Veep was rolling through town, we moved some homeless people, homeless person is saying you used excessive force" Bradford answers.

"but we were only there for like ten minutes because we had to take Lucy to the hospital" Ana frowns.

"doesn't matter" Talia says. "it is what it is"

"Don't take it personally. Being sued's part of the job." Bradford says.

"It's why we're required to have liability insurance." Angela adds.

"Ana's lawyer is Freda Colson. Union assign you a lawyer yet?" Bradford asks.

"Yeah. Some guy named Simon Parks." Nolan answers.

"You're lucky. Guy's a legend." Angela says.

"Saved my ass a couple times. He's a cranky old S. O. B., but he gets the job done. You've got nothing to worry about." Bradford says.

They arrive at the roll call room and everyone is staring at the landing outside of it. Ana is just thinking about when Anderson was standing on that landing, talking about reversals. 

"What's going on?" Nolan asks.

"IA arrested Jenkins." Talia responds.

Finally, Ana realizes why everyone is staring, seeing the a man in cuffs being walked by two officers.

"The Robbery Homicide detective?" Jackson asks.

"Yeah." Bradford nods.

"do you know why?" Ana asks, softly.

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