Episode Eleven

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{Whoo! Halfway done! Thank you to the people who have voted. I'm planning to do all six seasons but I really want to whip out this season by Saturday}

Ana and the other rookies are at the reception desk, giving people gift cards if they hand in a weapon.

"Two firearms for two gift cards. Thanks for making our streets a little safer." Jackson says to a man after he gave Jackson two guns.

"So, we're just gonna destroy these? What if one was used in a crime?" Lucy asks.

"I feel like we could be more environmentally responsible with this stuff" Ana says, softly, as she puts the empty guns into a big bin.

"Hey, "no questions asked" means just that. And it's the best way to get people to turn in their unregistered weapons." Jackson replies.

"That and the $100 gift cards." Nolan adds.

"I need 100 dollars" Ana mumbles under her breath.

"Oh. Hang on a second. Sorry. Let me help you with those." Nolan says, walking over to an elderly lady who is struggling with a big suitcase. 

"Oh. Thank you, Officer Nolan." The older lady says, reading Nolan's name tag on his uniform.

"Yeah. And you are?" Nolan asks, politely

"I'm Alma." The older lady answers.

"Nice to meet you. Are all these yours?" Nolan asks.

"Oh, no, no. They - They were my father's. He was a paratrooper back in World War II. And when he came back from the war, he brought all this with him. I've been carrying it with me since he passed in '74." Alma explains.

"Oh, Alma this is in good condition. You could get real money for this." Nolan says, looking at one of the rifles.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't know where to start. Besides, I'm moving in with my son's family. I don't want these around my grandkids." Alma shakes her head.

"Well, we are here to help." Nolan smiles.

"Oh, those were his pistols. He brought them from Germany to San Francisco. And that one there is Ginny." The lady says as he takes out pistols and then a land mine.

"Alma, is that a land mine?" Nolan asks, shakily

"Yes, a claymore, I think. From his time in Vietnam." Alma responds.

"okay, everyone, if you could please follow me outside, we're just having a minor issue" Ana says, softly, starting to clear out the rest of the people in the reception area.

"Uh, can we get a bomb squad to the front lobby? Now." Jackson asks into the telephone.

Lucy walks around to escort Alma to safety.

"Well, I'm so glad you brought this in, because these are extremely unstable. Tell you what. I'm gonna stay here to dispose of this. Officer Chen is gonna get you to a safe distance, and then we'll get you those gift cards we talked about." Nolan assures.

"Oh, uh, what about the ones in my trunk?" Alma asks. 

Just then, while Ana is outside leading the people away from the bomb, a car explodes.

"um... we need fire and RA at the Mid-Wiltshire police station" Ana says into her radio.

"scratch that, I need at least a million dollars" Ana murmurs, when she realizes her car was parked next to the one that blew up.


Thankfully the next day is Ana's day off, she plans to do some cleaning around the apartment and maybe make it smell less like tomato soup. The smell still permeates the apartment despite it being a week since Ana used tomato soup to get the skunk smell off of her.

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