Episode Seventeen

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"Per Captain Weatherby, the following protocol changes will take place immediately. No more putting any boots on top of lockers. Any boots left on top of lockers will be thrown away at midnight and noon daily. Second, every officer must provide a business card to every citizen they contact. If a citizen doesn't want a business card, the officer must write a police report and document the fact the citizen refused a business card." Grey announces at roll call.

"Sir, with all due respect, this sucks." Angela pipes up.

"Ours is not to judge, Officer Lopez. Command believes that the captain's focus on efficiency is what Mid-Wilshire needs right now." Grey answers.

Everyone watches as Captain Weatherby wanders into the room, holding a cup of coffee.

"Captain. Can I help you?" Grey asks.

"I need an updated vehicle list." Weatherby replies.

"Yes, sir. I'm in the middle of roll call. I'll get it to you right after. But since you're here, would you like to say anything inspirational to day shift?" Grey offers.

"Did you tell them about the boots?" Weatherby asks.

"Yes, sir." Grey nods.

"Oh. Okay." Weatherby says, turning around to look at them.

"Well, uh - Keep up the, uh, good work." Weatherby says lamely, making Ana tilt her head in confusion as he wanders out.

"All right. District Attorney's office has a witness on ice. They need our help watching them." Grey announces and everyone watches as Nolan raises his hand immediately.

"I usually don't assign rookies these type of details, Officer Nolan. And Officer Bishop would have to agree." Grey says.

"Forget it. Protection details are like watching paint dry." Bishop responds.

"Looks like you're out of luck." Grey says.

"I'll do it. And Nolan and I haven't had a chance to "bond" yet." Bradford smirks, making senior officers laugh.

"Great." Nolan says, hesitantly.

"Last bit of business. Weatherby wants to go out on patrol with a rookie, to make sure they're being and I quote "trained correctly"" Grey announces.

Lucy, Ana and Jackson exchange a look.

"I'll do it, sir" Ana says, softly, caving. 

"we'll remember your honorable sacrifice" Grey nods, not making Ana feel any better.

"All right. Bishop, you'll be riding with Chen. That's it. Oh, and remember when you take your shops in at night, you now have to drive by the garage to get a mechanical inspection and mileage report. You're welcome." Grey says, dismissing them.


"huh" Weatherby, watching Ana get into the drivers seat.

"what, sir?" Ana asks, softly.

"protocol for uniforms is the pants be a centimeter below the hips" Weatherby replies.

Ana is 99% sure he made that up, but she still pushes her pants down that very valuable centimeter before continuing. She internally sighs when Weatherby jots it down.

She's lectured for many things, like not having her hands at ten and two when making a turn, or going over the speed limit by one mile per hour, while Bradford usually goes ten or twenty over. She gets cited for how she put the gear in the back of the shop, where she puts her hands on her utility belt when talking to a civilian.

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