Episode Fourteen

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"100 shifts." Anderson starts.

"Listen, not a lot of rookies make it to this point in their probationary year." Grey continues.

"It's a reason to celebrate." Anderson insists.

"But not too much." Grey adds.

"For your first 100 shifts, your training officers have been there to guide the way. Not today." Grey says.

"Plain Clothes Day." Jackson says, like he's been waiting for this.

"That's right, Officer West. Very good." Anderson says.

"I'm sorry, what is Plain Clothes Day?" Lucy asks.

"Your T.O.s will be out of uniform, riding with you in a strictly observational capacity." Grey explains.

"They will not advise, assist, or help you in any way. Every decision will be yours to make." Anderson says.

Ana raises her hand.

"yes, cupcake?" Anderson asks. 

Ana has no idea why, but that specific pet name has been used on her a lot lately, originating with Bradford and now almost every senior officer calls her it. Not that she's complaining, it makes her smile, but she is slightly confused.

"will they talk?" Ana asks, softly. "like if I wanted to know if they wanted water or something, they could respond, right?"

"only you could ask that question, cupcake" Anderson sighs. "yes, for things not related to calls or anything that could help you with your job, they will talk"

"Does this mean I finally get to choose where we eat for lunch?" Nolan asks.

"Yes, Officer Nolan. For all intents and purposes, today you are alone. And that should scare the hell out of you." Grey responds.

"This will be a true measure of where you are in the learning process. And your performance today could have a profound impact on your career path in this department." Anderson explains.

"And for our girls, Bradford will supervise Lucy and I will supervise Ana" Anderson adds.

"So, any questions?" Grey asks.

"Uh, yes, sir. What happens if we get into real trouble?" Lucy asks.

"Deal with it. And if you can't, your T.O. will step in." Grey answers.

"But make no mistake - If that happens, you will be judged. That's it. Good luck out there." Anderson says.


"this sounds really stressful" Ana frowns.

"out of everything, this is what's stressful to you?" Lucy asks.

"well everything else, compared to my childhood, has been a walk in the park, but I'm kinda worried for this one" Ana admits, softly.

"you'll do great." Lucy assures her.

"yeah" Ana nods. "and this is a great opportunity for you to impress Bradford without me around." Ana giggles, wiggling her eyebrows.

"hopefully" Lucy nods.

"you're a badass, you have this in the bag" Ana assures her.

"don't jinx me" Lucy says as they grab the gear from the quartermaster.

Ana knocks on the wood bar for good measure.

"thank you" Lucy laughs as they walk out to the cars.

Anderson is standing by the shop they'll be using. Ana opens up the back and starts to pull things out of the gear bag, laying them in an organized manner in the back of the shop.

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