Episode Nine

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Ana comes back the next day, feeling a little guilty. It seems that while she was worried about systemic racism, Nolan's home was broken into and Isabel was shot in the head.

But she's here, she's here to help people and to save people and to hopefully make up for being absent yesterday. During roll call, it's all about what happened with Isabel.

"So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in South Gate at this address. All right, Detectives Wolfe and Vestri will stake it out with patrol units from that division, while you guys will head over to Bronson Estates, where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cesiah Olivo, lives." Grey instructs with Ana taking notes.

"But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors." Wolfe adds.

"All right, listen up. This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. So he won't go down easy. All right, watch each other's backs out there, and be careful." Grey says, dismissing them.

Ana stands up, going over to Lucy and Bradford, both of whom are looking shaken up.

"Hey. I'm so sorry about Isabel" Lucy apologizes.

"do you need anything?" Ana asks, softly.

"Yeah. Thanks. Go kit up our shop. Ask Mike for the Bradford Special." Bradford responds.

"what's that?" Lucy asks.

"you'll see" Bradford replies.

Ana and Lucy exchange a look before starting to walk down to the quartermaster shop.

"hey, is something wrong?" Ana asks, softly, on the way.

Lucy turns to look at her.

"I was with Nolan last night" Lucy blurts out.

"what?" Ana asks, softly, confused.

"last night, I dropped him off at his house and we kissed and had sex and then his house was broken into and I was there" Lucy confesses. "I left before the cops could arrive so no one would know, because it was just the heat of the moment but now Nolan has to lie about it and I already lied saying I wasn't in a relationship with him and I just-..."

"hey, hey, slow down and just breathe" Ana instructs, softly, putting her hands on Lucy's shoulders.

"listen, I'm sure that Nolan is fine with lying for you and second, no one is going to find out. It's an innocent white lie that will save you from a world of trouble" Ana assures, softly. "all you have to do is keep up the lie. This will all blow over and by next week you'll have forgotten this even happened"

"are you sure?" Lucy asks.

"I'm not a liar, Lucy" Ana promises, softly.

Lucy hugs her and Ana hugs her back.

"thank you" Lucy murmurs.

"of course, now let's go find out what the Bradford special is" Ana says, managing a small smile out of Lucy, so Ana will take it.

[Timeskip - Bronson Estates]

"Let's gear up. Got your backup piece?" Tim turns to both of them as they get out of the cruiser.

"yes, sir" Ana says, softly, and he hands her a piece of metal and gives one to Lucy too. 

"what's this?" Lucy asks.

"Trauma plate for your vest. Little extra protection." Tim explains, putting Ana's on so Lucy can see where it goes.

"Oh. Bradford Special. You really think we're gonna need this?" Lucy asks.

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