Episode One

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"¿Necesito repasar las reglas nuevamente?" Ana asks as she grabs her bag off of the counter. (Do I need to go over the rules again?).

"Ana, si repasas las reglas una vez más, regresaré a Cuba." Jose, Ana's paternal grandfather, says. He's perched on the couch, watching the Monday morning news. (Ana, if you go over the rules one more time, I'm moving back to Cuba.)

"No es gracioso, abuelo" Ana says, frowning. (Not funny, granddad.)

"Pensé que era muy gracioso." Mario, Ana's maternal grandfather, pipes up. (I thought it was pretty funny.)

"Me alegra que ustedes dos estén bromeando, pero lo digo en serio. No he ido en todo el día desde que estaba en la Academia, e incluso entonces volví para ver cómo estabas durante mi hora de almuerzo." Ana replies, stressing over leaving her grandparents alone in her apartment for an entire day now that she's starting her job as a cop. (I'm glad you two are joking around, but I'm serious. I haven't been gone all day since I was in the Academy, and even then I came back to check on you during my lunch break.)

"Nieta, estaremos bien. Tenemos tu número de teléfono y vivíamos en la Cuba de Castro, creo que podemos sobrevivir nueve horas en Los Ángeles." Carmen, Ana's maternal grandmother says, entering the living area of the apartment. (Granddaughter, we will be fine. We have your phone number and we lived in Castro's Cuba, I think we can survive nine hours in Los Angeles.)

"Está bien, pero hablo en serio, llámame si pasa algo." Ana sighs, checking to make sure her bun is all good and that her light makeup isn't awful. She's so nervous that her hands are shaking, therefore her mascara definitely isn't the best but Ana will take it not being awful. (Okay, but I'm being serious, you call me if anything happens.)

Ana sees Esmerelda, her paternal grandmother, open her mouth but Ana beats her to the punch.

"Y sí, si veo policías mayores y atractivos, me aseguraré de enviártelo." Ana sighs. (And yes, if I see any hot older cops I will be sure to send them your way.)

Esmerelda and Jose are divorced and unfortunately for Ana, have a very active dating life. Hearing her grandparents have sex with random strangers might just be the most traumatic thing Ana has ever experienced, and Ana watched her father be killed by corrupt police in Cuba when she was 11.

[Time Skip - 8 AM - Monday | Roll Call]

Ana is the first in the roll call room. She has serious anxiety with being late and she got there thirty minutes early. In her head, she's trying to go over every little thing she remembers from the Academy. Her head is down and she doesn't look up as the roll call room fills. She looks across the aisle and sees the other three rookies sit down.

Lucy Chen, John Nolan, and Jackson West. Ana knew them from the Academy, but they weren't really good friends. They all kinda clicked on the first day while Ana threw herself into her studies at the Academy. Plus she was taking care of her grandparents so didn't have much of a social life at the Academy. Though, to be fair, Ana has never really had a social life.  

Ana's thoughts are interrupted when Sergeant Wade Grey enters the room and sits his file down on podium stand.

"All right, all right. Settle down. Settle down. So, okay, we got some new blood this morning. And some pushing the expiration date." Grey starts and Ana senses the jab at Nolan. 

He's a nice guy, but Ana has never really gotten to know him. Though he was definitely a source of gossip at the Academy. 

Ana looks back up to Sergeant Grey who glances at her and the other three rookies.

"Get up." Ana is the first to stand, with the others following after her.

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